Love Me Not ~ 18

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The group had spent hours swimming and goofing off at the beach.

They were shocked to see the sun setting. The only good thing was how beautiful it looked. The mix of oranges, pinks and blues in the sky was mesmerizing.

Time moved quickly, especially since they were having a good time.

Eren was disappointed and didn't want to go home. He'd have work the next day.

After packing up and saying their goodbyes, Armin, Mikasa and Eren piled into the car.

Mikasa got into the driver's seat and watched as Eren climbed into the back seat to sleep for the hour.

"Eren's like a baby. When a baby runs around all day and falls asleep on the way home." Armin teased.

Eren flipped Armin off and closed his eyes, grinning.

Mikasa had a small smile on her face. "A baby wouldn't do that though."

"Did you have fun?" Armin asked Mikasa, turning to look at her.

"Yeah." Mikasa's answer was short and simple.

"Good." Armin smiled. "I can see Eren had fun." He turned to say something to him, but saw he was already asleep. "Geez, he knocked out already."

"Not surprising." Mikasa murmured.

"I'm glad Eren got a chance to forget about his boy issues." Armin said, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, that's been eating him alive. He hides it well, but we know him. We can tell when things are wrong." Mikasa frowned.

"Levi apparently has a girlfriend and Eren says he doesn't care, but he definitely does. And I don't like that Levi is basically leading him on and getting his hopes up. It's bothering me." Armin didn't want to see Eren hurt all over again. "It's not like he's a nice guy and is just being himself. From what he's seen he isn't a nice guy."

"Coming to our house for dinner, inviting Eren over to his's a lot." Mikasa gripped the steering wheel. "We also can't tell him what to do. It's his choice to be around him."

"Yeah, as much as it worries me, we can't do a thing." Armin sighed. "It'll work out. Things won't always be this way. Soon Eren's work schedule will change when he has school and it'll keep him more occupied."

"You're right. I've been seeing too much of my cousin. I thought it was strictly family functions." Mikasa glanced at Armin.

"This must be interesting for you then." Armin teased.

"I barely know him. I barely feel like an Ackerman. I feel like a Jaeger. The Jaeger family is the family I grew up with. The Ackermans are all strangers to me." Family wasn't just blood to Mikasa. Eren, Grisha and Karla were her family, blood or not. Armin was even her family. "The only reason I somewhat feel like an Ackerman is because of my parents."

"I get it. Family isn't just blood. It's so much more." Armin smiled lightly.

The drive felt faster due to Mikasa and Armin's discussion. She dropped Armin off at home and pulled into the driveway. She turned and nudged Eren. "Wake up."

Eren sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Already?" He whined. "I was enjoying my nap."

Mikasa got out of the car and walked to the door. Eren sleepily followed and watched as Mikasa opened the door and stepped inside.

Grisha looked over. "Hey. How was the beach?"

"Good. I'm super tired." Eren mumbled, starting to go upstairs.

"Before you get ready for bed I left you two some food. There was also something I wanted to discuss with you two." Grisha motioned for them to sit on the couch.

Mikasa and Eren exchanged a confused look and sat down.

"What is it?" Eren asked.

"I've been doing some thinking and I believe it's time I head back to work." Grisha said simply.

Eren looked surprised. "What?"

"My main purpose for staying home was to make sure you two grew up in an environment with a parent present. If I worked all the time you two would've been alone. I also wanted to spend your childhoods with you. I wanted to be a good father." Grisha pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "You two are older now. You come and go as you please and have jobs. You're going to college as well. You'll be busy during the days so I have no reason to be home all day anymore."

Eren was still in shock. "Oh."

"And I know you two have noticed, but my medical articles don't go far when it comes to paying a mortgage and bills. I chose to leave work years ago because money doesn't buy happiness. I could've worked hard at my job and been loaded with money, but then came home to sad kids. Or had no money, but saw you two always smiling and happy. I wanted the second option." Grisha sighed softly. "I hope this isn't an issue. I plan on starting as soon as possible. I'll still be around and am not going to be working long hours."

Mikasa nodded. "I understand."

Eren looked at Mikasa and raised an eyebrow. "You're okay with it that fast?" He then looked at Grisha. "Is this because of what happened this morning?"

"Not at all. I've been thinking about this for a while. I probably should've waited to tell you this so you didn't think there was a correlation." Grisha shrugged. "It has nothing to do with that and I'm not angry. I realized that when you both leave for work that I've done everything. I usually clean around the house but there's nothing to clean anymore. Nothing gets dirty because I'm usually the only one here. I'm not saying that in a bad way or to try and guilt you either."

Eren ran a hand through his hair. "It's gonna feel so weird to not see you here all the time, but I understand. I want you to do what you think is best obviously."

"Me too." Mikasa mumbled. "You can go out and meet people. You've been at home a lot while we've been meeting different people all these years."

"I don't think I'll be out and about in that way." Grisha chuckled. "I'll just be a doctor."

"If this is what you want to do, go for it." Eren had too many thoughts going through his head. His dad being home was everything he'd ever known. Once his mom died he was there for everything.

Eren couldn't complain though. He was barely home. Mikasa was also not at home as much. They have work and would be starting college in the fall.

"I didn't think you guys would react negatively, but I'm still relieved." Grisha stood you and patted both of their heads. "You're good kids and I know you're working hard. I want to work hard too for you guys and help with college expenses." He said, walking away and heading up the stairs. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Eren and Mikasa both spoke au the same time.

Once Grisha was out the room Eren turned to Mikasa. "I'm really surprised that just happened."

"Me too. I'm glad he's going to be doing something that makes him happy though." Mikasa murmured. "He deserves to go out and have human interaction. Maybe he'll even find a girlfriend."

Eren raised an eyebrow. "A girlfriend? That's weird."

"Why not?" Mikasa shrugged. "He's alone, Eren."

Eren sighed. "I guess you're right. I'm going to head upstairs. Good night."

"Night." Mikasa said back, walking into the kitchen to get a snack.


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