Love Me Not ~ 55

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Hi sorry guys ik you all must hate meeee I need to update faster :(


Mikasa furrowed her brows when she saw Levi sitting next to Eren.

She hadn't seen her cousin in quite some time. Her next thought was to look at Armin.

Armin just smiled at the both of them while Jean was eyeing the cans of beer.

Levi rolled his eyes and looked at Eren.

"What are you guys doing here?" Eren asked.

"We were walking around. We just got some food." Armin answered.

"Jean, you're a piece of shit. We just worked together why didn't you invite me?" Eren asked, his tone wasn't serious. It was more of a tease to the other.

"You didn't even invite him? You said he said no." Mikasa glared at Jean.

Jean shrugged. "You seemed to be searching for someone so I left. Now I see who." He motioned towards Levi. "You guys dating or something?"

"No. I'm not gay remember?" Eren tilted his head, laughing a bit. Coming out to his friends was still something he hadn't done, even if some of them were LGBTQ+.

Levi couldn't help but let out a low chuckle, causing Eren to shove him a bit. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. You're as straight as a board." Levi replied, drinking the rest of his beer.

Armin and Mikasa also exchanged a look, knowing that was far from true.

A cool breeze went by, causing Armin to shiver. "It's getting late and I'm freezing, I think I'm heading home."

"I'll drop you guys off. I left my car by the bookstore." Jean said his goodbyes and started walking away with Armin.

Mikasa stayed behind and looked at Eren and Levi. "I really just don't understand any of this." She motioned to the two of them before turning to walk away. "See you at home, Eren. If you're even planning on showing up at home. Don't let Grisha find out, he'll have another fit."

Eren looked away embarrassedly. "I'm going home tonight and can you not bring that up?" He called after Mikasa.

Mikasa didn't respond and kept walking.

"When did you stay out all night?" Levi asked, wanting to pry.

"You know when. I was with you." Eren shook his head and sighed. "It's stupid that I'm eighteen and practically have a curfew." He didn't actually think it was that stupid. It barely was a curfew. All he had to do was let his dad know if he was going to be staying out or not. It was simple, but he felt the conversation with Levi would go nowhere if he just mentioned that it was the night they were together.

"Oh. That was a while ago. I thought it was going to be some recent thing." Levi looked at the sky.

"After I left your place I ran into Armin and he bought makeup. He helped me make myself look decent before going home. It was horrible, but I appreciate his help. He's always had my back. He's a great person." Eren murmured. "And I definitely don't deserve his friendship."

"Did you do something wrong?" Levi asked.

"Kind of." Eren frowned. "Well, actually yes I did."

"Care to explain?" Levi asked again.

"Hmm let's just say that I don't exactly pick the things that would be good for me." Eren murmured. "But it's okay."

"That was vague." Levi raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, so? That's all you're getting from me." Eren grinned. "I didn't think you'd be so curious anyways."

Levi was curious, but not curious enough to pry so much. He didn't care that much.

"By the way, how's your cat?" Eren randomly asked.

"My cat? She's fine." Levi pulled his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling.

"I'm sure she's big now." Eren added.

"The little shit has a thing for rubbing all up against my pillow. She gets car hair all over it, so disgusting." Levi grumbled and showed Eren a picture of Abelle on his phone.

Eren took Levi's phone and studied the picture. "So cut-" He stopped when he felt Levi's phone vibrate. If distracted him and a notification popped up.

All it said was, "Where are you?" He didn't get a chance to fully read the name before it disappeared, but from glancing could tell it was a woman.

He hated that he was jealous. That woman was probably everything he wasn't though.

"She's adorable." Eren murmured.

"Do you want to see her? I have to head back and feed her. It's on the way to your place so."

"Okay. Did you walk to work today?" Eren asked. He felt a big nervous going.

"Yeah, it's so close I will occasionally." Levi got up and disposed of his beer cans. He walked with Eren to his apartment.

The second he opened the from door Abelle came running.

Eren was hit with too much in that moment. The apartment, the clean smell, and Abelle. It reminded him of everything in the past. Having coffee in the kitchen, being intimate in his bedroom, to sleeping in his bed cuddled up to his side.

It wasn't pain that he felt, but such a weird feeling. He wondered if Levi felt weird at all.

"Abelle, you got so big." Eren reached down and pet her head as she meowed.

Before Levi could get her food, Abelle ran into Levi's bedroom.

"She's on the move." Eren murmured.

"Shit." Levi walked into his room, causing Eren to follow.

Eren could see Abelle jumping on and rubbing up against Levi's pillow, causing him to laugh a bit.

His bedroom was the same, just a different color of sheets.

"Little shit is your new name." Levi scooped her up and took her back to the kitchen.

"With how clean you are I didn't expect you to have a cat." Eren said, watching as Levi fed Abelle.

"Well I didn't exactly want her, but even I have a heart sometimes I guess." Levi shrugged. "You want anything?"

"No, I'm fine." Eren watched Abelle eat, unsure of what else to say.


Hiii all I'm so so so sorry for the wait. Thank you guys for being patient. Life has been in the way hardcore :(


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