Love Me Not ~ 23

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I have the next like, five chapters of this written out. I want to post them all at once SO bad, but I know should probably wait. :( Sorry if these next few chapters have more typos than usual, I have a severe migraine and even went to the ER over it :/ just wanted to give you a heads up, I'll fix the typos when I'm better!


As he was sweeping, he tried his hardest to think about everything that happened. Maybe trying to figure out what happened constantly could bring back some memories. He only had bits a pieces.

Levi told him why he was there. Mikasa explained why she didn't go to Eren's room when he got upset and why Levi did.

He had a vague memory of it. It took a lot to even get that memory. Everything else was blank.

(Idek if this makes sense, but you know how when you first wake up from having a dream and you can't really remember it and as the day goes on bits an pieces come back to you? That's basically what's happening with Eren. It happens to me so much haha. It happened to me recently with a dream I had about going on an adventure with Gon and Killua from HunterXHunter XD)

What did they talk about? They were alone in his room. He ran a hand through his hair and groaned.

"Eren?" Mikasa raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry. I'm trying to think about last night. Nothing is coming to me." Eren set the broom aside and sat at the counter.

"Okay, I'll try and help you. I'm sure you remember the start to the drinking. Then Levi showed up. You guys were playing some game and Jean struck a nerve." Mikasa said, sitting next to Eren.

"He did?" Eren asked.

"Yeah, he mentioned the bookstore owner's son asking you if you slept with Levi. It escalated from there. You got upset and then we had a disagreement." Mikasa really didn't want to go into detail.

"I think I know what it might be on." Eren murmured. "It's coming back to me a little. Was it about what you said to Sasha?"

"Yeah. I didn't realize I said something like that and it would bother you. I'm sorry." Mikasa looked at Eren with a frown.

"It's okay. I know I overreacted. I was a mess." Eren mumbled.

"After that you ran up to your room. I wanted to go, but we had that issue. Levi thought it'd be better for me in the kitchen to watch everyone while he went. I wanted to disagree, but I couldn't." Mikasa placed her elbow on the counter and rested her chin in her hand.

"I got it. So then it was just Levi and I. I'm going to remember. I'm need to know." Eren was determined. "And I think I got so upset over the thing with Sasha because I don't want people to know I'm gay. I really don't."

Mikasa tilted her head. "I know. When you do, or if you ever do decide to come out, everyone here will be supportive of you. I'm sure Grisha wouldn't care at all. I know all he wants is a happy son."

Eren nodded. "It's still scary though. What if I encounter people in the future that aren't good? Sometimes I wonder how Jean was able to come out."

"Oh right, he's very open about it." Mikasa said.

"How'd you find out?" Eren asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think we all found out around the same time and he just confirmed it. I heard you didn't find out until recently?" Mikasa got up from the counter and walked to the fridge to get a water bottle. She tossed Eren one.

Eren caught it and set it on the counter. "Oh."

"Well, we were only able to tell because we know him well. It feels weird saying we're his friends but we technically are. It isn't that way for everyone. I don't want to make it seem like we were able to assume his sexuality by certain stereotypes though." Mikasa said, opening her water and taking a sip.

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