Love Me Not ~ 19

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Eren finally had a morning to himself. He was able to sleep in late and then goof off on his phone.

Once he decided to get out of bed and head to the kitchen, he saw Grisha.

Eren assumed Mikasa was already gone and went to work. She was usually around in the living room or kitchen.

"Morning." Eren yawned and pulled out a bowl from a cabinet. He grabbed the milk, a spoon and a box of cereal. The male sat at the table with Grisha.

Grisha looked up from his phone. "Morning. No sun burn?" He asked, teasing.

"No, I was prepared. I got a few texts that some of the people I was with got burned pretty bad though." Eren poured cereal into his bowl and added milk. He was off in his own little world until Grisha spoke again.

"I know Mikasa is okay with everything going on, but how you reacted didn't sit well." Grisha admitted. "Now that it's just us, can you tell me how you're feeling?"

"I'm not angry. I was just surprised." Eren sighed. "Even if I wasn't happy about it, you can't not do what you want. I'm older now. If you told a very young Eren, then I would throw a fit. I'm not a kid anymore. Be selfish. You haven't been selfish in years and years. It's okay." Eren smiled lightly. "It's okay to be selfish sometimes."

"You're a good kid." Grisha patted his son's shoulder.

Eren looked down at his bowl of cereal embarrassedly. He felt lucky to have a very laid back dad.

Grisha put a lot of trust into him and Mikasa. He wasn't on top of them constantly. He allowed them to do what they wanted as long as they were safe and not doing anything illegal.

Eren found himself not wanting to lose his dad's trust so he never did anything "crazy."

Armin, Mikasa, and Eren usually just hung out with each other.

Eren continued to eat his cereal silently. A few minutes had passed and he set his empty bowl in the sink. He was dreading going into work.

Why couldn't he be back at the beach? Or on vacation somewhere? As frustrated as he was, he knew he had to go work. He needed to make money.

He assumed Grisha would be getting paid a lot more than what he was making the years prior.

Eren didn't mind helping with bills and food. He always had extra money to spend on himself as well with his salary. Especially seeing how they grew up, he wanted to help out.

They didn't have a lot of money, but he was glad his dad was around. He'd pick having him over money any day as a child.

Grisha looked at Eren as he was getting ready to leave the kitchen.

"I'm gonna get ready for work." Eren stretched his arms over his head.

"Alright." Grisha drank his coffee and stayed at the kitchen table. He had a book open on the table and began reading.

Eren quickly got ready for work and was running late. "Ugh, I played too much on my phone." He ran down the stairs and towards the door. "Bye dad!" He yelled, slipping his shoes on.

Before he could hear a response he was already out the door and running. He was going to be late.

Eren was already worried he'd get fired because of the whole situation with Levi. So showing up late made him stressed. It was just another reason why they could fire him and hire someone better.

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