Love Me Not ~ 38

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The week Eren dreaded finally came. The first day of college.

While he was sure it wouldn't be bad, he would still prefer to do other things.

The morning started out a lot different than how it did when he was in high school.

Mikasa usually woke up and tried to get Eren out of bed. Grisha was usually already up drinking a cup of coffee and watching the news most days.

He would make them breakfast on some days as well.

Mikasa was always almost late to school because of Eren. He always went back to sleep.

On that particular morning, Eren had actually decided to get ready on time.

Mikasa wasn't expecting to see Eren up and brushing his teeth when she walked into the bathroom. "You're up early?"

"Yeah." Eren spoke as he brushed his teeth. "Thought I'd be early just one day. We're also not always going to school together since our schedules aren't the same. I need to practice waking myself up or I'll miss all of my classes."

"Yeah, you'd definitely be the one to sleep through a whole day of school." Mikasa grabbed her toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste on it.

"Haha very funny." Eren said sarcastically as he put his toothbrush back in it's holder and left the bathroom.

He went back to his room to get dressed and ready.


Mikasa and Eren walked down into the living room together to see Grisha dressed and ready to go.

Eren forgot that Grisha went to work every morning. It was so different than before.

"Are we good on time?" Eren asked.

"Not really." Grisha slipped his shoes on. "We have to go now if you want a ride to school and to pick Armin up."

"Okay." Mikasa put her shoes on and made sure she had everything.

Eren did the same and they followed Grisha out to the car. He sent Armin a text letting him know they were on there way.

Mikasa sat in the passenger seat, looking out of the window as Grisha drove down the street to Armin's house.

Once they got there, Armin's grandfather could be seen on a rocking chair on the porch. His shaky hand waved to the car.

Grisha, Mikasa, and Eren all waved to him.

Armin walked out of the house and said his goodbyes to his grandfather before climbing into the backseat next to Eren.

"Thanks for picking me up." Armin said, putting his seatbelt on.

"It's supposed to rain today, I figured you didn't want to ride you bike and get soaked." Eren murmured. It was his idea for them to pick Armin up.

"Well I appreciate you thought of me and how miserable I would've felt during that ride." Armin joked.

Grisha drove away and towards their college. It wasn't an insane distance away. While it was easier to just get there by car if they had one, a lot of students rode their bikes and took public transportation.

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