Love Me Not ~ 53

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"Let's go inside. I really don't want neighbors calling the cops or something." Eren motioned to the door and followed behind everyone.

He shut the door and glanced around once they were inside.

It was all of the usual people. A lot of them were home from college for fall break. It was like nobody ever left.

Eren spotted Sasha's new boyfriend. He seemed decent. He watched as Sasha left and went over to him. She smiled at him and he wrapped an arm around her.

Eren turned and looked at Armin, who was also watching them. He caught a sad smile on his face as well as a look of jealousy in his eyes. It made him feel guilty.

Armin could've had that if Eren wasn't stuck on Levi.

The blonde noticed Eren looking, and turned to him. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. You haven't drank anything?" Eren asked.

"Nope, I don't think that's a good idea. One, because of how I was last time, and two, I don't want everyone knowing my business right now. I'll probably share too much with everyone. Like not even Mikasa knows." Armin murmured.

"Knows what?" Mikasa budded in. She had been eavesdropping.

Eren and Armin both froze and looked behind them to see Mikasa standing with her arms crossed. "Nothing." They both spoke quickly.

Mikasa rolled her eyes. "You guys have been so secretive." She shook her head and walked away. She felt out of the loop and didn't want to admit it, but she didn't feel important. It was always the two of them with their secrets and how close they were.

She understood that they wouldn't tell her everything, but her being the only girl in their trio made it hard, especially when Armin and Eren would always gang up together.

Eren sighed once Mikasa walked away. "She must be really confused and feel like we're not telling her anything."

"I can tell her if it'll help." Armin shrugged. "She is our best friend. I feel bad doing that to her."

Eren looked at Armin. "It's up to you, I'm gonna go see what they have to drink." He went into the kitchen and of course all of the people he hadn't seen in a while were around the kitchen counter.

"Jaeger! It's been so long, what's up?" Reiner asked, punching him in the arm.

"Nothing really. Glad to see all of you back." Eren said. Things weren't the same without the whole group.


Armin followed Mikasa and once they were by the bathroom he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in.

She looked surprised, but let Armin pull her. "What's up?"

"I wanted to tell you something. I know it seems like Eren and I have a secret or we're just not telling you things. So, back when Eren finally told us what was going on with Levi, we had previously agreed that I would share a secret I had as well."

Mikasa raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to tell me like this. You're only telling me because I've pressured you guys. I don't want it to be that way." She frowned.

Armin ignored Mikasa's words and kept talking. "That night when I was alone with him I shared my secret. I'm in love with him. Or well was.." He smiled awkwardly.

Mikasa's facial expression didn't change. "I had a feeling." She sighed. "I didn't want to dwell on it because I didn't want to think of you getting rejected and hurt."

"I'm okay. I'm really okay." Armin stopped for a moment and put a hand to his cheek. Tears began flowing freely and rolling down his cheeks.

Mikasa's eyes widened slightly. She didn't want to see it. Armin was too sweet and good. He didn't deserve it. "Armin.."

"Sorry. I didn't get a chance to react after the initial rejection. I guess it's just coming out." Armin rubbed his eyes. "I was satisfied. He explained himself.. he kissed me. I knew that I was going to get over it. It wouldn't work if I didn't get over it. I swear I'm fine."

"He kissed you?" Mikasa furrowed her brows and left to go find Eren.

Once she spotted him in the kitchen she grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the side.

"How could you do that to Armin?" Mikasa asked in a whisper.

Eren instantly knew what she meant. "I don't feel the same.."

"You kissed him. Were you hoping you'd feel some spark and pick him over Levi or something? That's horrible you put him in such a vulnerable position." Mikasa was angrier than she thought she'd be.

"Honestly.. I might have. I didn't want to hurt him. I wished I felt the same." Eren looked away. "But we moved past it."

"I can see that. Well, you have. I'm not so sure about him." Mikasa shook her head and walked away. She went back to Armin, who was now sitting on the front steps of the porch with Jean.

Jean was drunkenly ranting over his issues with Marco while Armin sat in silence.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" Armin cut Jean off.

"Random." Jean shrugged. "Fuck soulmates. They don't exist." He grumbled.

"So you don't think there's someone perfect out there for you?" Armin asked.

"I thought that was Marco, but fuck me I guess." Jean sighed.

Mikasa walked over and sat with them. "Soulmates.. that's complicated."

"Being in love and fighting for it to work out is hard. I miss him so much." Jean sighed. "So much."

Mikasa was surprised to see such a vulnerable side of Jean. It was a lot different than his typical comments or how he would flirt before he started dating Marco.

She was stuck between two sad people and had no idea how to comfort them at all.

Armin looked at Jean. "It'll work out. It's obvious you care for him so much. He loves you. I know we're in college now, but at some point he could leave home and come back."

"His home life is so toxic. Even though he's eighteen they won't let him leave on his own. I told him so many times we could get our own place. He said he had to be with his family." Jean explained.

"I'm sorry." Armin frowned. Jean had it so much worse.

Having that loved one that feels the same but not being able to be with them. It sounded like torture.


Hi all! Once again, I'm late. I'm so sorry ;-; but thank you all for being so loyal and coming back every time!

I love you all!

Don't forget to vote and comment :)


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