Love Me Not ~ 50

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Hi friends! Can't believe we're already at chapter 50! Here's to fifty more lol !

Sorry for the delay! I had finals and then I went to Hawaii hehe so I've been busy busy busy!


Don't forget to vote/comment <3


It was a bit frustrating to Mikasa that Eren had shut down the conversation as soon as it started. She sat on the couch and thought about everything.

She already knew what had happened between the two of them just by Eren's hickeys he had come home with that day. Hearing Eren confirm it was more unsettling to her than she thought it would be.

Mikasa never thought someone from her biological side of the family would mix in with her life with Eren and Grisha.

She wondered what Armin was thinking. While Eren was talking, she couldn't help but look at Armin's expressions. Something was different than the usual and she was curious as to what. She already had somewhat of an idea, but wouldn't confront anyone until the right time.

Armin had some feelings and it was clear as day. She could usually read him, but didn't want to mention it and be wrong. Or even embarrass him.


Eren walked into his bedroom and closed the door once Armin was in.

"How do you feel finally getting that off of your chest?" Armin asked.

"I still feel gross, maybe a little less gross." Eren shrugged.

"I'm sure it was really hard for you to finally say it. We appreciate that you even felt comfortable enough to tell us." Armin sat on Eren's bed.

"I guess. I know you guys already knew though. I came back the next day like a puppy with his tail between his legs. You guys could tell, I just struggled with admitting it."

"It's okay though. We're here for you." Armin moved so he could lie down on Eren's bed and went under the covers. "Let's just move passed it and hang out. I'm sure you don't want to dwell any longer on it.

"Yeah." Eren got into the bed and turned so he was facing Armin.

Armin turned to face Eren. His breath hitched when he saw how close they were. He tried his best to stay calm.

Eren looked at Armin when they faced each other. "Things would've been easier if I just stayed in this bubble with just you and Mikasa."

Armin shook his head. "No it was good you left the bubble." He smiled lightly.

Eren shrugged and tilted his head. "Hey, I just remembered, weren't you going to share your secret once I shared mine?"

Armin froze. He completely forgot about their agreement. Panic set on as he tried to figure out how to respond. "Oh right.."

"You don't have to if you're not ready. I'm sure you weren't expecting me to finally speak up so soon. You can have more time, or you don't even have to tell me. I understand."

"No, I do want to tell you. I just forgot about that agreement. Now I'm a little nervous." Armin admitted.

"Nervous? Why are you nervous? You know I won't judge you. You didn't judge me after everything." Eren raised an eyebrow. "Is it that bad?"

"Umm.. it's pretty bad." Armin admitted, laughing nervously. He sat up and leaned his back against the wall. "I was trying to prepare myself all of this time, but was pushing it to the back of my head. So I didn't get to prepare."

Love Me Not - {riren au}Where stories live. Discover now