Love Me Not ~ 22

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Also, I didn't want this to be the stereotypical Erwin is hitting on Levi fanfic, so I made some changes in previous chapters. Most of the events still happened, but it like calmed down and they're still friends. But it's just awkward. You'll see that they're getting along better in future chapters and I wanted to explain why just incase!


Levi was awake before Eren and tried to slip out of his grasp. It was impossible. Any way he moved would wake Eren.

Shouldn't he wake him up though? With that thought, he shook the other's shoulder softly.

Eren's eyes opened slowly and he yawned. He sat up. "Ugh my head.." He looked and saw Levi. His eyes widened. "What are you doing here?!" He said loudly.

Levi rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't let me leave. You were out of it."

Eren panicked and hoped he didn't say anything weird. "How did you end up here though?"

"I got a call from you and it ended abruptly. I wondered if something was wrong so I showed up here and also saw that the pizza guy was waiting at your door. Nobody was answering and I guess he didn't want to leave it. I brought it in." Levi sighed.

"Oh." Eren looked away embarrassedly. "I didn't say anything weird right? I didn't do anything?" He asked.

"No, you just wanted me to stay." Levi lied. He'd mention it another time. "You have no recollection?"

Eren got out of bed. "I don't remember a lot right now. I'm sure as the day goes on some stuff will come to me." He was glad to hear that he didn't say or do anything weird. Levi wouldn't lie to him over something like that.

Eren looked in his bedroom mirror and ran a hand through his hair.

Levi was still sitting on his bed and watched for a moment before looking away once he made eye contact with Eren through the mirror.

"I don't know why you stayed this long. You could've left while I was asleep." Eren mumbled.

"Like I said before, you wouldn't let me leave. Even asleep you had a tight grip. I wasn't going to argue with a drunk kid." Levi stood up. "If that's it then I'm leaving."

"Uh, I have a feeling you basically babysat me last night. So if you want you can eat here or something before you go." Eren looked down. He didn't want to be nice, but the other probably watched him while Mikasa took care of everyone else. Wait, Mikasa let Levi watch him? He had so many questions.

Only Levi and Mikasa knew everything that happened and remembered clearly.

"I'll pass, where is your dad?" Levi asked.

"He went back to work. Got a business trip." Eren said shortly. "This whole house party thing wasn't my plan, if that's what you're thinking. Jean showed up here with alcohol and he was pressuring me into doing it."

"You still could've said no. You're not lame for saying no." Levi said back. "But whatever. It happened. Now you know for next time."

"Believe me, there won't be a next time." Eren watched as Levi walked to the door. The two headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning." Armin spoke, trying to eat his cereal quickly without throwing up.

Mikasa faced Eren and Levi unsure if Eren remembered anything. She stood awkwardly.

Levi shook his head, as to tell Mikasa that he didn't remember much. The chances of him remembering the fight they had was slim.

Mikasa sighed in relief. "Morning." She said. "Want cereal?"

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