Love Me Not ~ 63

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please watch this tik tok,

Also AYOO don't forget to check out the rewritten version of Castaway !!

"This isn't a conversation I want to have when you're not sober and we have an audience." Levi sighed.

"You seem to never want to have that conversation." Eren frowned, suddenly getting serious.

Levi, who had also been drinking quite a bit, had less of a filter than he usually did. "Don't fuck with me. I tried to talk to you, but you ignored me and walked off with Armin. Remember?"

"Oh." Eren didn't know what to say in response.

"This is the time we needed them here. This is going downhill." Hanji whispered to Erwin. "Should I call Mikasa?"

"Let's just see how it plays out. I have a feeling Levi's been on edge since the beginning of the party. I want to see what he says." Erwin whispered back.

"We should probably tell them to talk in private though."

"Yeah." Erwin lowered the music. "Guys, people are leaving now and things are calming down. I think you guys should talk privately in the basement." He opened the basement door. "Go."

"Fine." Eren and Levi both spoke at the same time. They walked downstairs and heard the door close behind them.

"Of course it looks like a whole game room and movie theater down here." Eren mumbled.

"There isn't a place in this house that doesn't look luxurious." Levi said back. "Listen.."

"No, I don't want to hear it." Eren covered his ears.

Levi walked over and pulled Eren's hands off of his ears. "I have a feeling you'll want to hear this." He paused for a moment and cursed under his breath. "Fuck, I don't know how to say this."

After a moment of trying to figure out what to say, he finally spoke. "I don't know how you're able to still feel anything for me after the shit I put you through. We didn't do things the right way and that night shouldn't have happened. I am a little thankful for that night though, because I realized a lot after watching you walk out the next morning after we argued."

Eren wasn't sure how to respond. He was shocked. "What are you saying?"

"I'm sure you must've been waiting forever for this." Levi couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Will you go out with me?"

Eren froze and before he knew it he was putting a hand to his cheek to feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I hoped I could move on after that night. I wanted closure and I got anything but that. That memory would sometimes make me reminisce and other times I'd just get upset. I will go out with you." He practically ran into the other's arms and hugged him. "Well that sobered me up pretty fast. I wasn't expecting that at all."

Eren pulled away from the hug and looked at Levi with a smile.

Levi rested his hands on Eren's cheeks, wiping his tears, and pulled him into a long kiss. Once he finally broke the kiss he rested his forehead on Eren's forehead. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that."

"How long?" Eren teased.

"Months ago even before the sex obviously. The night you were drunk. Your lips were so pink and soft." Levi ran his thumb along Eren's bottom lip, causing the other to blush.

"I didn't think you were interested in me, but there are always things you do that would have me questioning it." Eren murmured.

"Well you were right then." Levi was glad they finally spoke about it. It was eating him alive inside. If he didn't do it now, then Eren was bound to move on and find someone else. He had to go out of his comfort zone and just say it.

"Can we not tell anyone yet? I kind of like that this is a secret for us." Eren smiled softly. "Just for a little bit."

"Of course." Levi pulled Eren into another kiss. It was deeper and softer. Eren's lips were warm against his own and parted slowly.

Just as Levi brushed his tongue along the other's lips the basement door swung open and they heard a voice.

"Everything good down there?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah, coming up now." Levi called back. When he heard the door shut he gave the other one last peck. "Let's go back before they catch on."

Eren nodded and held Levi's hand. He squeezed it softly before letting go and heading up the stairs.

The two entered the silent kitchen.

It was obvious Eren had been crying by how puffy his eyes looked.

Hanji, Erwin, and Jean were the only three left.

"I'll walk them home." Levi called out, grabbing his jacket.

"Will you be coming back to stay here?" Erwin asked.

"Probably." Levi motioned for Eren and Jean to follow.

"Thanks for having me I had a great time." Eren being his outgoing tipsy self pulled Erwin and Hanji into a hug.

Jean joined as well, which caused the four to laugh.

Levi watched and rolled his eyes. "Come on."

"Bye!" Eren waved and followed Levi out with Jean.

"Holy shit it's freezing." Jean shivered and rubbed his arms.

"Well, it is December dummy." Eren stuck his tongue out.

"I'll fight you right now, Jaeger. In the middle of the street let's go!" Jean yelled.

"Shut up. It's after midnight, people are sleeping." Levi glared.

"Oh my god! It's after midnight. Happy birthday!" Eren yelled and jumped on Levi's back to give him a hug.

"Happy birthday grandpa!" Jean laughed.

"Grandpa?" Levi rolled his eyes. "I didn't know being in your twenties meant you were elderly."


Eren got home and once again, there was an empty driveway. His dad wasn't home and it was so frustrating. "You can sleep on the couch, Jean."

"Whaaaat? I'm sleeping with you. I want to cuddle." Jean laughed.

Eren looked at Levi, who didn't look very amused. "You can stay with me, but if you try and cuddle I will kick you off of the bed."

"Fine. You're lame." Jean went inside before Eren.

Just as Levi went to walk away, Eren grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Happy birthday." Eren said softly. "Goodnight." He leaned in and kissed Levi before heading into his house and closing the door.

He leaned against the door and slid down it until he was sitting on the floor. He couldn't stop smiling. Did all of that actually happen?

It was crazy to think that they were dating. They were actually a couple. He had butterflies thinking about it. It all happened so fast.

"You coming or not?" Jean called from Eren's room.

"Coming! You better not be in my bed already." Eren called out.

"No, you've got a guest here." Jean called back.

Eren walked into his room to see Jean pointing to his bed. Armin was fast asleep.

The two started laughing. "I forgot I told him he could sleep in my room. Let's join him I guess." Eren threw some pajamas at Jean and began to change as well.

Once the two were ready for bed they climbed in with Armin. Since he was the smallest they just left him in the middle.


Lmfao they're besties and squeeze into bed together 😌 idk why but the thought is so cute

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