Love Me Not ~ 54

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Eren felt guilt once Mikasa walked away. He understood why she was mad. It was Armin. Quiet, nice Armin. He didn't deserve any pain.

It also wouldn't be right to lead him on, especially when he was going to be trying to talk to Levi again.


Winter was getting closer and closer. At that point, all of the memories, good and bad, were starting to become blurry. It was the beginning of December.

Things between Eren, Mikasa and Armin were on good terms too.

Armin was able to get through it because of Mikasa. She had helped him out a lot. He also spent a lot of time with Jean. Jean didn't know about what happened with Armin and Eren, but he was also going through a lot since he and Marco had officially called it quits.

Eren didn't think he'd live in a world where Jean and Armin were close friends. It made him kind of jealous. He had no right to be jealous though. It wasn't like he'd be able to tell Mikasa about his jealousy either. She was definitely on Armin's side this time.

The semester was also coming to a close. He couldn't believe his first semester was ending already.

Eren was also able to pick up more shifts at the bookstore with his new freedom. That meant many more close encounters with Levi.

If he was going to get him to admit he had feelings, he'd need to see him often.

On one particular chilly Friday night, Eren had just closed the bookstore for the evening with Jean. Jean went off his own way. He had been quieter since things with Marco hadn't worked out. He assumed he was going to go see Armin.

As Eren walked, he spotted Levi with Erwin and a woman he recognized, but had forgot if he knew her name or not. He walked over and once Levi spotted him he went to walk in the opposite direction.

Hanji nudged Levi. "That's rude."

Erwin chuckled. "At least say hi."

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" Eren asked.

"Hi Eren, just heading to the bar." Erwin shrugged.

"Thank god you're not twenty one." Levi muttered.

"Well, I guess that means I'm taking you away then." Eren grinned. "Sorry, but I'm stealing him for the evening."

"Go for it." Hanji laughed. "You're more than welcome. Have fun." She winked at Levi.

Levi rolled his eyes and watched as Hanji and Erwin walked away.

"What the fuck do you want? Can't a guy get shit faced in peace?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're hanging out with me." Eren grabbed Levi's arm and pulled him along the sidewalk.

"What are we even going to do?" Levi asked. "You legally can't do anything entertaining."

"We can make our own fun." Eren suggested.

Levi tilted his head. "Seriously?"

"Not in that way." Eren corrected himself. "I don't care what we do."

Levi started walking towards a gas station. "Since you ruined my plans at least let me buy a few drinks."

Eren didn't say anything and waited outside as Levi shopped. He bought snacks and a pack of beer for himself.

After a lot of convincing, they went to the lake to see the end of the sunset. It was already long
gone from the sky, but the different shades of pink and purple were still there. They sat under a tree and got comfortable. Levi opened up a can of beer and drank it all in one shot. He crushed the beer in his hand and let out a sigh.

"Stressful day?" Eren asked.

"Authors can be so fucking annoying. I try so hard to be a respectful editor and they get so offended by suggestions I make." Levi sighed. "So annoying."

"But your job is to edit it." Eren raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever tried writing your own books? You're an editor so I'm sure they'd be perfect."

Levi couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm not a writer. I read. I don't think I could write a whole story out."

"I think you could. You'd know exactly what to write. You seem like you'd be a writer I'm surprised you don't." Eren shrugged.

"Okay, ass kisser." Levi smirked and opened up another beer.

"You really can be an asshole y'know?" Eren laughed a bit.

"Oh believe me, I know." Levi glanced at Eren before turning to look back at the sky. "You're the one that dragged me out here though. You'll have to deal with it."

"Did I really drag you out here though? You came here pretty easily. It was like just guiding you over. Like you wanted to come or something." Eren looked at Levi.

"You must be confused then. I was ready to go to a bar, not sit under a tree with someone that can't even drink." Levi continued to sip on his beer. "I guess this isn't horrible though."

"I saw you grabbing food. What did you get?" Eren asked, looking at the bag.

"Oh, here." Levi handed over the bag. It was filled with some chips and candy. "You eat this stuff?" He was surprised.

"Sometimes." Levi shrugged. "Not a big deal though, even I eat like shit once in a while."

"It's so hard to believe." Eren laughed softly and opened the bag of chips. He started eating them and passed the bag to Levi.

Levi set his beer down and started eating the chips.

"Eren!" A voice called out and when Eren turned his head he saw Armin, Jean and Mikasa.

"Wow the whole crew, how great." Levi said sarcastically under his breath, causing Eren to laugh.


Hiiii sorry I'm so late again :( life has been stressful 😠

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