Love Me Not ~ 11

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I probably should've mentioned this, but since Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are like 18 now this is what they'd look like (like in the manga)

I probably should've mentioned this, but since Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are like 18 now this is what they'd look like (like in the manga)

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Credit to: Nikkiyan_arts on Instagram. You should check their work out, it's so good!!
Don't forget to vote/comment :)
Well, now that you know, do you care?" Mikasa asked. "Are you jealous?"

"What? No. It's normal to date." Eren shrugged. "We're the only weirdos that don't date."

"I don't care for dating." Mikasa shrugged. "Not a fan."

Armin sighed. "I haven't found the right person yet. I'm awkward."

"And I haven't seriously dated either." Eren began walking in town with Mikasa and Armin. "I don't want to date right now either. I have work and college starting in the fall."

"Sometimes I think it would be nice to have some sort of companionship though." Armin admitted. "I'm super close to you guys obviously, but it would be nice to be with someone romantically."

"So deep, Armin." Eren teased. "I've always wondered what it felt like to have that connection. To always want to be with that person and have so much love for them. I'm just scared now. I don't want to be vulnerable to someone to be crushed in the end."

"I mean, it's definitely more of a mature mindset to have. Most people our age don't really think that deep." Armin added. "So you're basically wanting to date seriously."

"I guess." Eren shrugged. "I don't know. I just wonder what it would be like."

"It usually happens when you're least expecting it to." Mikasa added. "That's what I've heard anyways."

Eren nodded. "I know. I'm not looking and I don't want anyone to pop into my life like that right now."

"I think it already happened honestly." Armin grinned.

"Armin, no." Eren shook his head. "That isn't leading to a romantic relationship. He literally has a girlfriend."

"How did you know I was talking about Levi?" Armin asked, making Eren blush darkly. "It could've been about the people at the bookstore from high school that are in this next chapter if your life. The fact you thought about Levi when I said that means you want a romantic relationship."

"No, I don't. You were the one that was talking about him in that way before. I assumed that's who you were still talking about." Eren argued, shoving his friend playfully.

Mikasa sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "This is going to be an interesting summer."


"Levi, you really need to stop being a dick." Hanji teased. The two were sitting at a bar in town in the evening.

Hanji was a science teacher and somehow managed to get Levi to join her after work.

Levi sipped at his drink and sighed. "You act like I haven't always been like this." He knew he wasn't a pleasant person.

"Look, I know Erwin has been on you since high school." Hanji looked at Levi as she spoke.

"That isn't even what this is about. I don't care about that." Levi rolled his eyes.

"What exactly happened?" Hanji asked.

Levi groaned. "Do I really need to tell you my personal life right now?"

"Just spill. We're best friends." Hanji mumbled.

"Best friends?" Levi rolled his eyes. "Eh, he thinks I'm trying to get with this kid that just graduated high school. I know he'll tease the fuck out of me."

"You're not one to really let something like this bother you though." Hanji sighed. "You could've told me on the phone."

"Why? I'm not that bothered by it." Levi sighed and took another sip of his drink.

"I think you might have a little crush." Hanji said.

Levi raised an eyebrow. "On Erwin?"

"No, dummy. On that kid." Hanji grinned. "I know you wouldn't mess with someone unless they're legal too. So I'm not judging."

"Shut up." Levi said back, ordering another drink. "I don't know where you got that nonsense then. Don't spread it to Erwin. I don't need both of you trying to set me up."


Almost a week had gone by.

Eren worked multiple shifts and hadn't seen Levi at all. He was surprised, but a bit glad. He didn't think he could last with such high anxiety.

Levi had stayed away from the bookstore due to being busy at work. When he finally did he had planned to meet up with Erwin out front.

Once the bookstore was getting close to closing, Levi sent Erwin a text, "Hey, I did overtime at work and am just getting out. I wanted to talk to you. Meet me in front of the bookstore."

He didn't get a response, but knew Erwin saw it and would be waiting.

Eren was already adjusted to the job and was starting to enjoy it. The group was fun to work with. Even Jean, who he usually butted heads with, made the environment more interesting. He was taking the money out of the register and giving it to the manager on duty as well as sweeping the front area when he saw Erwin come out of the employee area.

Did he say hi? Things seemed weird with him when he had Levi approached him while he was getting ice cream with Armin and Mikasa.

"Hi." Eren said quietly as Erwin approached.

"Hey." Erwin said, walking past Eren and waiting by the front.

Eren wondered what he was doing, but didn't question it. He moved behind the counter and began wiping it down. He heard heard the bells on the door chime, signaling it was opened. He looked up to see Erwin walking outside to meet someone. He looked closed and saw Levi standing there.

He was in his usual suite and tie for work. He had his suite jacket draped over his arm. It was warm out, even in the evening.

Eren blushed lightly when he looked and saw the other was right outside. They hadn't talked for a week. He didn't think they'd ever talk again. That was it.

"Hey." Erwin said, looking down at Levi. "Long time no see. Did I spook you and have you thinking you'd catch a case?"

"No, you're an idiot." Levi spoke.


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