Love Me Not ~ 64

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Eren woke up the next morning and was in the best mood.

His head did hurt, but he could barely focus on it. He was replaying the events from the night before over and over.

He was also grateful he remembered everything and didn't get completely wasted. Things could've gone a lot differently.

Eren glanced over at Armin, who was next to him, and Jean, who was on the other side of Armin.

Jean was completely knocked out, and Armin was curled up asleep peacefully.

He looked so relaxed and he was happy that his friendship with Armin hadn't changed after everything.

For some reason though, his friendship with Jean was closer. He wasn't jealous, but it confused him.

Eren and Jean also weren't the closest and had their moments, but he found himself seeing more of Jean now because of his friendship with Armin.

Jean didn't know about what happened with him and Armin, but had his own drama. He had recently gotten out of his relationship with Marco.

Eren was closest to the wall and knew if he got up he'd end up waking the other two. He wanted to see Levi. He pulled out his phone to text Levi and already had a message from him.

10:14 AM- Levi: You better not be hungover.

10:25: AM- Eren: Good morning to you too. I have a headache, but I remember everything. How could I forget? :) Also, Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!


Eren set his phone down and sat up. He knew Armin wouldn't be hungover since he didn't drink, but Jean was definitely not going to be feeling well. "Guys we should get up."

Armin opened his eyes and looked confused. The last thing he remembered was being alone in bed. When he noticed he was practically sandwiched by the two he couldn't help but feel a bit flustered. "Geez, we're all crammed in this bed?" He laughed.

"Yeah, should've kicked Jean on the floor." Eren murmured.

"I heard that, asshole." Jean slowly sat up. "I feel like shit. Ugh." Sitting up caused him to get extremely nauseous and have to run to the bathroom.

As he left the room, Mikasa passed him in the hallway. She looked at Jean with a confused expression before going into Eren's room. "You three really crammed in here when we have a couch downstairs?"

"Jean wanted to cuddle." Eren joked.

"I woke up in between them and was very confused." Armin ran a hand through his hair.

"Ew, he's throwing up." Mikasa sighed. "Merry Christmas."

"Oh crap. It's Christmas! We have to exchange gifts." Eren completely forgot.

"I should head home soon so I can be with my grandpa." Armin murmured.

"And if I'm not home in fifteen minutes my parents are going to kill me." Jean muttered as he walked back in the room.

"You smell like alcohol. Good luck." Mikasa murmured.

(I'm gonna spare everyone the details of Christmas because, it's Christmas lol and we just had it last month haha)

Winter break went a lot differently than Eren expected. He had a boyfriend and they were sneaking around to spend time together.

They actually enjoyed sneaking around. It was private and they didn't have to dwell on who knew and who didn't.

He also didn't have to worry about the pressure of telling his dad so soon.

Eren and Jean were working an evening shift at the bookstore, and while Eren was sitting in the back on his break, he heard a knock.

"Come in." Eren called out, confused as to why someone would knock.

Levi opened the door. "Hey."

"Why'd you knock?" Eren asked.

Levi shrugged and rested a hand on the other's waist. "I don't work here. How much longer do you have on your break?"

"Like fifteen more minutes, why?"

"Just wondering." Levi leaned in and Eren knew what he was trying to do.

Eren let the other kiss him and returned the kiss, but rested a hand on his chest and pulled away. "I'm at work."

"So?" Levi raised an eyebrow. "We've been sneaking around. This is the only time I can see you today."

"Fine. A few kisses." Eren smiled lightly and pulled the other into another kiss.

Each kiss got a bit deeper and heated. He ran his fingers through Levi's hair and leaned back on the break room table.

Levi bit down on Eren's bottom lip, causing the other let out a soft groan.

"You're a bit too vocal for the break room." Levi whispered into the other's ear before kissing his lips again.

Eren had forgotten about where they were in the moment, and it took a second to react when he heard the door open.

"Do we have anymore bags— holy shit." The voice spoke, before closing the door again. It was Jean.

"I knew we'd get caught." Eren said between breaths. "Now I have to try and get him to keep quiet about it."

"It's not a big deal. Weren't we planning on telling everyone soon anyways?" Levi leaned in and pressed a kiss to Eren's neck. "I have to head out now. I'll see you soon."

"I'll walk you out. I should talk with Jean." Eren grabbed the bags Jean had been looking for and opened the door.

He said his goodbyes to Levi and handed Jean the bags. "So.. about what you saw."

"There's a lock on the door, I'm so glad I didn't see any dicks." Jean spoke with relief in his voice. "I think I would've died if I saw your dick."

"That's rude." Eren rolled his eyes. "We're dating. Nobody knows, not even Armin and Mikasa. We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a bit before going public."

"It's an honor to be the first to know." Jean grinned.

"I didn't have a choice. You walked in on us. Can you make sure you don't let it slip? We're gonna tell everyone soon." Eren asked while organizing some books.

"When did it happen?" Jean asked.

"Erm..the night of the Christmas party. When we went down to the basement." Eren smiled lightly when he thought about it.

"Wait you guys hooked up in the basement?" Jean asked.

"No? How did you come to that conclusion?" Eren asked, rolling his eyes.

"I figured that's what you meant." Jean shrugged.

"We just talked. I'll spare you the details of that, but obviously it was a good talk if we're dating now." Eren turned and started organizing some books.


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