Love Me Not ~ 36

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Eren left Mikasa's room and went straight into his own. He lifted the covers and got under them. He then turned his tv on and played a movie.

He didn't want to be around anyone, especially if they're asking questions. He wasn't going to go into detail anyways.

Eren knew they were just concerned, but he couldn't bring himself to explain more. He couldn't help but wonder what Levi was doing, or was even thinking about.

He assumed Levi would feel relieved he didn't have to deal with him.

Eren knew he needed to do what he wanted, then put a wall up. There was no way he had a chance. He hated that if Levi had wanted something serious, he would've agreed instantly.

Where was his pride? His self respect? It was as if Eren threw that all out when it came to Levi.


It was already getting deeper into summer and fall was inching closer. As each day passed he knew that he was getting closer to a new chapter.

He was going to start college and meet new people. While most might be people
he went to high school with, there was always a chance that someone he never really interacted with in high school would come around.

It was a usual day at work for him. A hot day that turned into a cool evening. He'd watch all of the people through the store window going by. Some families with their kids, some couples on a date, and those just walking through. He wanted nothing more than to be somewhere peaceful to watch the sunset and see the stars come out. While that would be nice alone, he did wish he had some sort of companionship.

He took his phone out and sent Armin a text asking if he wanted to hang out. He knew Mikasa was busy and Armin would get out of work at the same time. At least he had his best friend.

Armin agreed and said he'd meet him at the bookstore after work.

Eren put his phone back in his pocket and got to work.


Levi found Hanji and Erwin to be somewhat convincing so he decided to try and talk to Eren. There were some misunderstandings and he just wanted to clear them up.

He didn't expect Eren to want to talk to him, but he'd try.

Levi found himself standing outside of the bookstore when he got off of work and waited where he usually did.

He saw Eren walking out and looking around as if he was expecting someone.

Levi walked over. "Eren, got a minute?"

Eren turned and looked at him with confusion. "What? I thought I made it clear I didn't want to talk to you."

"You really don't find it weird that you fucking slept with me and now don't want to say a word to me? There's a misunderstanding here." Levi explained. It took a lot for him to say what he was saying and he didn't appreciate how Eren was brushing it off.

"I got it all loud and clear. I know I did something stupid. I wasn't thinking clearly. Can we just move on from that? It's not a big deal. There's no misunderstanding. I know how you feel about the situation." Eren shrugged.

"You don't know." Levi rolled his eyes and sighed. "You haven't known this whole time."

As Eren opened his mouth to speak he heard Armin calling for him. He looked at Armin who was at the other side of the sidewalk.

Armin glanced at Levi and then back at Eren. "Ready to go?"

Eren looked at Levi and sighed before looking back at Armin. "Yeah, let's go." He didn't say anything else to Levi and walked away.

Levi reached out without thinking and grabbed Eren's wrist to stop him. "You didn't respond to what I said."

"I don't need to." Eren pulled his wrist away and turned.

Armin walked away with Eren. "Everything good?" He asked.

"Yeah, nothing important. Being taken as a joke per usual." Eren shrugged.

"So what are we gonna do?" Armin asked. "You asked me to hang out, but didn't explain what we were even doing."

"It's a nice evening so I figured we could go do something." Eren stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked.

"Like where?"

"Maybe a walk somewhere? Go take a break and see the sunset? I don't know." Eren didn't care where they went he wanted some company.

Armin laughed softly. "Are you trying to romance me?" He teased.

Eren laughed and shook his head. "Life would've been a lot easier if I liked you, let's be honest. Things aren't always going to go the easier way though."

Armin nodded. "Yeah, but don't worry even if you're struggling a bit right now it'll get better." He wasn't usually phased and joked about romance with him. His comment did take him off guard though, more than usual. "It's funny because a lot of people expect it."

"Oh yeah, I know a lot of our friends think that's going on." Eren murmured. At first he was annoyed, especially at Mikasa when she told Sasha that he wasn't interested in Armin, but someone else. That had bothered him and he let it go.

He didn't want to be outed. He wanted to feel comfortable and ready.

"Sunset it is then." Armin said, walking with Eren into the park.

While Armin didn't know, Eren was in that park with Levi not long ago. They were there while he broke down and then went to his apartment.

It was harder to think about, but it made him realize he'd have to come clean at some point. It felt like he had so many secrets.

Eren and Armin sat on a bench by a small pond and looked at the sun as it set.

Armin pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his chin on his knees. He glanced over at Eren.

Eren looked at Armin and tilted his head. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Armin nodded. "Of course you can."

Eren didn't speak for a moment to try and gather his thoughts. "I don't know if I'll be able to say it now, but clearly some shit went down. I want to be honest and tell you guys, but it's hard."

"You told me that morning that you'd tell me when you felt ready to. I'm not rushing you and I'm sure Mikasa only asked so directly because she wanted some idea. I don't think she'll push more than that." Armin kept his chin resting on his knees and wrapped his arms around his legs.

"I feel guilty for not feeling comfortable telling you. I know everything about you and Mikasa. Every little detail. It used to be that way with me, but I feel like I have so much hidden now. I don't like it. Hiding the party from my dad and you lying for me to cover for me.. just everything." Eren frowned.

"How do you know that I don't have a secret?" Armin asked.

"You have one?" Eren asked.

"I'm sure even the most open people have a couple secrets here and there." Armin shrugged. "You're human. You'll tell us when you're ready."

"When the time comes I'll exchange my secrets for yours then." Eren teased.

Armin shook his head and put a finger to his own lips. "Nope, not telling."

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