Love Me Not ~ 46

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Hi guys! Just wanted to mention something quickly. I know at this point in the story there isn't much riren, but I've done it that way on purpose. I wanted it to be more realistic. It isn't the usual story where they meet, fall in love and live happily ever after. They'll have some bumps in the road and some miscommunication, which I feel makes it more realistic. The riren is definitely happening though, it is a riren fanfic after all ;) and we all now that this story will definitely need a happily ever after added in too!

Thank you guys for the support! I've noticed a lot of new readers have appeared and it makes me super happy. Welcome! I hope you stay for a while!

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Once they arrived at Levi's apartment, Hanji plopped down on his couch. She watched as Abelle came running and jumped up on her lap.

Levi went over to his kitchen and opened a cabinet to get Abelle's food. He poured some in her bowl. Once she heard the familiar sound, she abandoned Hanji and made a run for the kitchen.

Once she was at her food bowl Levi reached down and pet her head. He put the food back in the cabinet and walked away. He opened his refrigerator, pulling a can of beer out.

"Bring me whatever you're having!" Hanji called out.

Levi opened the can and took a long sip. "No." He said back, closing the fridge and walking into the living room. "You've had enough."

Hanji rolled her eyes. "You brought me back here soooo..." She leaned back on the couch, even more sprawled out than she had previously been.

"Because you asked. I didn't want you here." Levi sat on the couch next to Hanji and took another sip of his beer. If satisfied his craving.

"Aw Levi. Just admit you don't want to be alone. You gave in a lot easier than you usually do. It's okay to not want to be alone." Hanji reached out to try and take Levi's beer.

Levi scooted away. "I have Abelle."

"I meant another human. Honestly, I could just see you and Abelle staying this way forever. You really don't even need anyone else but this cat." Hanji ran a hand through her hair. "At least you have something to do now, something to take care of."

"Where are you going with this?" Levi asked.

"Even though I can see you staying this way with your cat forever, please prove me wrong." Hanji yawned softly, starting to get sleepy. "I really just want to see the person that finally gets you to smile."

"Fuck, why'd you have to go all soft?" Levi could hear Abelle making her way back to the living room. He tried to pay attention to that instead of Hanji's words. Why did she say that all of a sudden?

Levi knew that Hanji, Erwin, and anyone else he still talked to from his past all thought the same thing. He was incapable of love. According to Hanji, she could tell Levi never truly loved the few people he brought around. There was something missing in his eyes when he looked at the person. The spark, the desire, there was none of that.

He didn't want to be looked at like he was a pitiful lonely man. He wasn't. Did he think he had issues connecting with people? No, but then he knew he was probably in denial. Maybe it was an issue and he didn't think it was. It seemed like something so trivial. As long as he was alive and being a functioning member of life, why did it matter if he was in a relationship?

Levi had his way of doing things. His own routine, his own job, his own place and his own pet. Dating opened up a whole new world with change.

Once he let go of his thoughts, he took another long sip of his beer. Levi looked at Hanji and sighed when he saw she was fast asleep. He got up and threw a blanket over her before walking into the kitchen. He grabbed the rest of the pack of beer before heading to his room for the night.

He wasn't able to drink while out with Hanji and Erwin, so he'd just do it himself. He preferred being alone anyways.


Eren was silent the rest of the walk home and paused once they stopped in front of Armin's house.

"Are you sure you don't want to hang out longer?" Armin asked, tilting his head. "You already got all of these snacks." He held the bag out.

"No, I really just want to go sleep. Keep the snacks." Eren looked at Armin in the darkness.

Armin frowned and looked down at his feet. He couldn't hide how he was a bit bothered. "Eren.."

"Yes?" Eren raised an eyebrow.

"We were having so much fun before that happened and you dropped me so quickly." Armin didn't know how to fully convey what he was feeling. Was it jealousy? Did he want all of his attention? Was what he was doing a sign that he liked him?

"Sorry, I'll make it up to yo-" Eren started to speak, but was cut off by Armin.

"Actually, it's fine! It's okay. I'm going to go in now." Armin realized how clingy he was acting. His jealousy was definitely showing.

"Oh, okay. See you." Eren waved as Armin disappeared into the darkness before seeing him reappear at the front door by the light.

Once he saw Armin was in his house, he kept walking. He did feel bad for dropping Armin so quickly. His appetite and desire to see anyone disappeared.

The walk from Armin's house to his house was short, but in that moment he had wished it was a lot longer. Walking alone and being able to think about what was actually happening helped him. He sighed when he saw his house in front of him and was surprised to see Grisha's car in the driveway. He didn't want to talk, but he hadn't seen his dad in a few days.

Eren went to the front door and stood there for a moment, hand on the cold knob. He could still turn and walk the opposite direction. He could disappear for another night. That thought was shut down instantly. There was no way he'd go missing like that again.

He decided he'd test it. If the front door was locked, he would take another lap around the block to clear his head. If it wasn't locked, that meant he should go inside.

Eren then went to turn the knob and the front door opened. A part of him knew that the door would open. Why did he even think it would be locked? It was practically always open.

From the doorway, he could see Grisha in the living room on the couch. He was drinking a cup of coffee while watching the news. "Well, look who's home." He spoke when he heard the door, knowing it was his son even though his back was to him.

"I could say the same about you. It's been a while, dad." Eren slipped his shoes off and walked over to talk to Grisha. He didn't want to make conversation, but he really had no choice.

"Only a few days, son." Grisha set his mug down on the coffee table. "Did you miss me that much?" He asked, a small grin on his lips.

"That's not what I meant." Eren mumbled.

"I think it is. Don't worry, I'm just figuring some things out okay? It won't be this way all the time." Grisha picked up his mug and took a sip.

"Figuring what out?" Eren asked as he plopped down on the couch next to Grisha.

"A good work schedule. I've been dealing with patients too. Some haven't been in the best condition." Grisha didn't get into details, but Eren imagined it was challenging being a pediatrician.

"Okay." Eren looked over at the tv and the random news that played. "I'm gonna go to my room. Night." He stood from the couch and went up the stairs to his room. He practically dragged his feet as he walked.


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