Love Me Not ~ 7

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Eren got out of work earlier than usual due to the lack of customers and there not being much of a mess to clean up. He said bye to his coworkers and then left.

As he walked he still had his encounter with Erwin and Levi in his head. They seemed pretty close. Maybe they were dating? He shook his head. They didn't seem like they'd be compatible in a romantic relationship.

He spotted the two outside of an apartment building and wanted to hide. Erwin was trying to kiss Levi. He tried to go into the nearest store, but had already locked eyes with Erwin.

Erwin didn't say anything and went into the apartment building, closing the door behind him.

Levi stood there for a moment and saw Eren as he walked by. "Eren?"

Eren jumped slightly and turned. "Hi." He was hoping that the other didn't notice him.

"I see you everywhere now." Levi mumbled, deciding he was going to walk with Eren.

"Uh yeah, I'm not in school and it's summer. So I'm out later than I usually am. Plus, I didn't have a job during school." Eren explained, wondering why Levi was walking next to him. He wouldn't question the other man though.

"Hm." Levi wondered if Eren saw Erwin's advances. Erwin was never very pushy, but had his moments. He was a good guy.

Eren looked down at his feet as he walked, unsure of what to say. "So, do you live around here?"

"Yeah, my apartment complex is on Rose." Levi shrugged.

Eren looked surprised. "I live the next street over."

"Oh wow, I thought you'd know where I live because of Mikasa or something." Levi pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked his messages.

"I'm not a stalker geez. Why would she tell me that? That's weird." Eren said back, wondering if Levi really did think he was stalking him.

"I don't know. You're close to her." Levi shrugged and turned the corner.

"Are you like planning on coming home with me or something?" Eren joked, not as nervous as he was before. He still wasn't very comfortable with him though.

"I mean might as well walk you home. Is that a problem?" Levi smirked. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Shut up." Eren rolled his eyes. "If you're going to tease me about my past actions, please leave now."

"I didn't say anything." Levi shrugged. He hit a nerve though. It was obvious by Eren's response.

Eren reached his house and groaned. "No, no, no."

"What? Did I really trigger you that much?" Levi looked at Eren, but then saw what he was groaning over.

A man was getting the mail. It was an older man and Levi thought it was Eren's dad.

Grisha noticed the two approaching. "Hey, how was work?" He asked.

"Good." Eren mumbled.

"Brought a friend along?" Grisha asked, not knowing who he was.

"Oh, this is Levi. Mikasa's cousin. We ran into each other on the way back from the bookstore." Eren mumbled. "He was just leaving."

"Hi, Levi. It's nice to put a face to the name. I've heard quite a bit about you from Mikasa and Eren as well as your uncle Kenny. Well, I was just finishing up dinner. Did you want to stay?" Grisha asked. "It's kind of late for dinner, but Mikasa agreed to just wait for Eren to get back."

Eren was extremely embarrassed. The fact that Grisha said that Levi was talked about often between them was mortifying. He wanted to hide away. "Dad, really, he's leaving. He's an adult and has work tomorrow."

"I don't think I can refuse the invitation." Levi smirked at Eren. He was going torture him. "I'll definitely stay for dinner."

"Great, come on in." Grisha motioned for Levi to follow.

Eren glared at Levi. "Why are you doing this? Please just leave. I don't want to talk to you let alone have you in my house."

"Harsh. Might as well torture you a bit." Levi walked inside and slipped his shoes off.

Mikasa walked out of the kitchen to greet Eren and froze when she saw Levi. "Uh.."

"He was walking Eren home, so I invited him to stay for dinner." Grisha said, walking into the kitchen.

Mikasa raised an eyebrow at Eren. Levi was walking him home? She had so many questions.

"Hey." Levi looked at his cousin, acting like things were normal.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Mikasa said.

"I don't want him to be here at all. This is so annoying ugh." Eren took his shoes off. "If you have any humanity in you, just leave."

"I already accepted the invitation. Can't be rude." Levi said, not actually meaning it. He would've declined the invitation, but seeing how annoyed Eren got was amazing.

"You can be rude. Please be rude and leave." Eren watched as Levi walked into the kitchen. "Turn around. Ugh. The front door is the other way." He whined.

"Eren, he's pretty set on staying." Mikasa sighed and walked with Eren into the kitchen. "And you have a lot of explaining to do."

"I know." Eren sat at the table and sulked, which seemed to become a common thing.

"How did you two end up bumping into each other?" Grisha asked curiously, standing at the stove. He was finishing up dinner.

"I saw Levi when I was at work. Then I bumped into him walking home. I think he lives around here." Eren shrugged and watched as his father set down a bowl of spaghetti in the middle of the table.

He also had a loaf of garlic bread, plate with chicken, and vegetables. He set up his dinner more family style. Where everyone could just take what they wanted and not have to ask or get up.

"Yeah, I do live around here. A block away." Levi shrugged.

"Oh wow." Grisha set out cups and put a few different drinks on the table. He finally sat down and served himself.

Everyone else began to serve themselves as well. They passed around the bowl of spaghetti as well as the other foods.

Eren knew he'd want more chicken so he looked at Levi. "Can you pass the chicken?" He asked, seeing that it was right by him.

Levi passed the plate. Their hands brushed for a moment and Eren quickly pulled his hand back, causing the plate the fall and shatter.

"Eren, what happened?" Mikasa asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eren sighed and got up from the table. He pushed his chair back and bent down to pick up the bigger shards of glass. "I thought he was still holding it."

Levi watched, knowing he reacted that way due to their hands touching.

Eren suddenly winced, watching as blood began to drip from his finger. "Of course this night just gets worse and worse." He stood up.

Levi rolled his eyes and got up, taking Eren to the sink. He opened the faucet and put his hand underneath the running water. "Why were you just standing there? You were bleeding all over the floor."

Eren shrugged. "I don't know." He watched as the water cleaned his cut.

"I'll get some bandages." Mikasa got up from the table and left to the bathroom.

"Can you let go of my hand now?" Eren asked, watching as Levi still held his hand under the sink.

Levi rolled his eyes and let it go.

Grisha sighed, watching the two. It seemed Eren didn't like Levi. He didn't want him touching him and he seemed unhappy when he invited Levi to stay for dinner.


Love Me Not - {riren au}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora