Love Me Not ~ 10

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"I dropped you off home and then walked home. Nothing big. Why are you grilling me on it?" Levi rolled his eyes.

"I'm not. I was just wondering." Erwin sighed.

Levi looked away. Just as he was thinking of a lie, he saw Eren. He was sitting on a bench with Mikasa and their friend. Levi walked and instead of just walking by Eren, he turned and looked at him before Erwin could say anything in response.

"Oi, I think I forgot something at your house last night." Levi said, hands in his pockets. He realized he didn't have any reason to lie to Erwin. There was no reason to.

Eren looked surprised to see the other, especially in the middle of the day. He was getting flustered all over again. "What did you forget?"

Erwin stood by Levi and had numerous questions. Did he pounce on the guy already? Levi had just told him he went straight home after dropping him off. He wondered if Levi was embarrassed that he was getting involved with someone a few years younger.

Mikasa and Armin were just as confused as Erwin was. Mikasa knew Levi didn't forget anything.

"My wallet." Levi said. "I was going to stop by the bookstore or your house. I wasn't sure if you were working."

"Oh, are you on your lunch break? We can go check.." Eren didn't find a wallet anywhere. What was going on? His heart began beating extremely fast.

"I am on my lunch break, we can do that." Levi turned to Erwin. "I'm gonna go get my wallet. I'll see you later."

Erwin got the message that Levi wasn't going to explain. "Alright, bye." He turned and walked off, heading towards the bookstore.

Levi turned to Eren and sighed. "I have my wallet. Just didn't want to talk." He mumbled. "And if I'm a dick to him my other friend will give me shit for it."

"Oh, okay." Eren looked down, not able to make eye contact for long.

"What's wrong with you?" Levi asked.

Eren jumped slightly. "What?"

"Your ice cream is melting all over your hand, idiot." Levi pointed out.

"Shit." Eren began licking at his ice cream quickly.

Mikasa looked at her cousin. "Why did you want to get away from him so bad?"

"I didn't." Levi said. "I'm going back to work." He turned and left.

Once Levi was down the block Eren stood up. "See?! He's being so weird and my heart won't stop beating so fast. I think I'm dying."

"You're not dying. You like him!" Armin said loudly, causing Levi to turn around and look from down the street.

Eren screamed and covered Armin's mouth, getting melted chocolate ice cream on his face. "Don't say that! He could've heard you." His face was practically red.

Erwin and Levi had on friendship. The relationship they had was far from a normal one. Nobody really understood how they could still be friends, but it worked.

It was history.

Levi didn't understand why he thought going up to Eren was a good idea though. It made things weirder. He thought it'd get Erwin to back off a bit and bit grill him in the middle of the street.

He didn't have those feelings towards Eren, obviously.

His phone rang as he walked back to his office. He saw it was Hanji and picked it up.


"Levi! What's up?" Hanji asked excitedly.

"I'm on my lunch break. Just shook Erwin off." Levi mumbled.

"Come on, don't be a dick." Hanji murmured.

"I'm not being one. I'll explain later." Levi walked back into his job. "Why are you calling?"

"I was bored. It's my lunch break too. Anything new?"

"No." Levi didn't feel the need to tell Hanji about his recent events. He didn't want to explain the whole situation with Eren as well. He never told anyone about what had happened in the past.

"Ah, living life to the fullest as always." Hanji teased.


Eren cleaned his hands off and turned to his friends. "Why is this happening? I can't go anywhere without seeing him. Whenever I see him I feel like I'm going to die."

"The fact you're starting to see him now is shocking. We live in a small town. I'm surprised you didn't see him sooner." Mikasa tossed her empty cup into the trash.

"I'm seeing him so much now. At my job, in my own house, in the street... what is the universe trying to tell me?" Eren questioned.

"Hm, maybe the universe is trying to tell you that you're in love with him still? Still hung up on your young teenage self's crush?" Armin teased. "Come on, you can't deny that you're not falling for him."

"It's just anxiety. Being around him makes me nervous okay?" Eren huffed softly. "It's not anything like that. Please stop saying that."

"Whatever you say." Armin grinned and finished his milkshake. "Also, that guy he was with didn't seem too happy."

"Oh, Erwin? His family owns the bookstore. He also went to high school with Levi." Eren shrugged. Did he share that he saw a drunk Erwin trying to kiss Levi the evening before?

"Ah, that's where I recognized him from."
Mikasa murmured. "But yeah, I agree with Armin. He didn't seem very happy."

"I think he may have a thing for Levi." Eren mumbled.

"Why do you think that?" Mikasa asked. She still hadn't told Eren about him and the mysterious brunette together at one of the family gatherings.

"When I was walking home last night I saw them in front of Erwin's apartment complex. It looked like he was a little intoxicated and trying to kiss Levi." Eren said, shrugging.

"Oh." Mikasa looked at Armin, who raised his eyebrows at her.

Eren watched. "Okay, this is the second time you guys have have done that. What is going on?"

Mikasa shook her head. "What? Nothing."

"Mikasa, you're a horrible liar." Eren crossed his arms. "Tell me."

"Fine." Mikasa sighed. "Last time I was at a family gathering with Levi he was there with a girl. She was a brunette and wore glasses. They seemed close so I thought it was his girlfriend."

"Mikasa! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Eren exclaimed.

"I'm not just going to say, 'Hey Eren, remember Levi? Yeah, he's dating someone,' that would be so weird. Plus, you stopped asking about him." Mikasa tried to defend herself.

"Well, it's been years. Why would I still be asking about him?" Eren asked. "I just thought you'd tell me if he was dating someone at least."

"You'd still be asking about him because you're in love." Armin said again. He was mainly saying it to push his buttons. As his best friend he had to tease him.


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