a new friend? or foe?

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???'s PO. V

I frown as i continue spying on the other Jolteon hmmm... i need to get closer... i wonder if i'll be allowed to go undercover... i say as i continue watching him sleep. a few minutes later he wakes up and gets out of bed. i then look away i probably shouldn't watch right now. but what if something happens. i then return to watching him through my binoculars. he changes clothes and heads downstairs to make breakfast. i then get up from my perch before dashing back to the base of operations. "Agent 4mpl1f13r? what are you doing back?" the general asks me. "i would like the permission to go undercover" i say with a frown. "oh? what for?" he replies. "to gain more intel on the target" i say. he nods and grants me the permission. i then dash home, before getting dressed in 'normal' clothes. i then leave my house. "hmmm... ah wonder whit he'll be lik' " i say to myself as i walk. i then pull a screwdriver out of my jeans pocket and start fine-tuning my arm brace, then re-adjusting my watch. i then fiddle with my ring. I then see the Jolteon walking with the Glaceon, then they met up with a few others. I then fake trip into the Jolteon. 

Lightning's POV

I yelp as someone bumps into me. "oh, mah bad" a girl says in a HEAVY Scottish accent, i turn around and find a Jolteon with a strange arm brace on her right paw/forearm. I smile and offer her my paw to help her up. "it's fine. i'm Lightning, nice to meet you" i say with a smile. She takes my paw and with her right paw and stands up. "i'm Amplifier. or Amp for short" she says as she released my paw. "i'm Diamond. nice to meet you" Diamond says as she shakes Amp's paw. "I'm Sparkles and this is Thunder" Sparkles says, Thunder waves and smiles as he says hi. "i'm Hunter, and this is Eclipse. nice to meet you" Hunter says as he waves. Eclipse smiles and says hi as she holds Hunter's paw. "I'm Ness, nice to meet you" Ness says as he shakes her paw. suddenly he freezes up for a bit. then he frowns and let's her go. Strange... normally he's friendly i think to myself. "oh, i'm Aurora." Aurora says with a smile. I smile as we return to walking. Amp walked with us. "So, you new here?" i ask her as i walk. "hmm? oh, yeah i'm the new student" she says with a chuckle. "oh, that's cool" i say with a laugh as we arrive at school. "oh um... i'll see you later yeah?" she says before dashing off. "hey Hunter. You, Thunder, and you girls go on ahead, i would like to talk to Lightning in private" Ness says. Thunder gives us a weird look before shrugging. "aight then. we'll see you later" Hunter says as they walk away. "ok Ness, what'd you want to talk about?" i ask as i crossed my arms. "Something's off about Amp... something strange. i'm not sure what, but be careful" he says with a frown before gesturing to my neck "that symbol put's a huge target on your back. just be careful" he says as he walks away. "hey Ness. tell Diamond i'll be out fighting Azeva again" i say as i dash away. i then enter the forest, finding Azeva waiting for me. "took you long enough. your move" she says as she smiles. 

Azeva's POV

I smirk as he uses Pin Missile. i counter with Aura Sphere. an explosion occurs and the battlefield is clouded up. I then start tracking his Aura, but he's nowhere to be found. Then an Arrow shoots through the smoke. i dodge it and it lodges into a tree, creating another Electric Terrain. Then another Pin Missile. I counter with Metal Claws, swiping them away. "come out come out come ouuuut..." i say with a frown before using Bone Rush and spinning it rapidly, blowing away the smoke. "found you" i say as i use Metal Claw, he counters with Metal Claw as well. then he uses Charge before i sweep my legs under his before landing a heavy blow with Bone Rush. He groans in pain before using Rising Voltage, i attempt to dodge but he lands the hit. i groan in pain as i collapse. i then roar before Mega Evolving. I then dash in with Metal Claw as i land a few blows before he starts blocking with a Bo staff. then he lands a blow to my side. "well well... you've gotten stronger" I say, before i use Counter, and land a devastating blow. he roars in pain, before getting up. He then runs in with a Scythe in his paws. i yelp before blocking with Bone Rush. he then sweep his legs under me before landing a heavy blow to my back. "AH!" i yell in pain as i crash into a tree. i then growl before using Counter and dealing heavy damage. he growls before using Pin Missile and landing the hits, i growl before throwing two Aura Spheres. He smirks and summons a Baseball Bat, before hitting them back at me, i yelp before reflecting it with Bone Rush. He growls and uses Charge, negating some of the damage. he then dashes in. i try to grab him but he slides under me. "Nighty Night" he says before using Rising Voltage. i growl and attempt to use High Jump Kick, but he wins the interaction and i pass out.

Lightning's POV

I then collapse onto the ground, exhausted. "i can't believe i won. that was too risky. i only had... how much health did i have left?" I ask as i look at my health bar. "I ONLY HAD ONE HP LEFT?!" i yelp as i get up, before healing myself. I yawn and pick her up, before placing her in some shrubs. My ears perk up as i hear a muzzled gunshot. reflexively i shield my face with my paws and close my eyes, but nothing happens. I timidly open my eyes and there was a strange electrical shield in front of me, made of blue electricity. "what...?" i say with a frown as i look at my paws, they were glowing blue. "strange..." i say with a frown before dashing away.

Amp's POV

DAMNIT! i yell in my mind before tapping the earpiece. "did you neutralize the target?" the general asks. "that's a negative, he somehow blocked th' shot" I say with a growl as i look at my sniper, before retracting it back into a watch which i put on. "ah will huv a go again th'morra. Nae lik' either o' us hae muckle tae learn " i say as i dash back home.

OOOOOH, new powers AND a new enemy, what luck right? i hope you enjoyed. have a great day! Also. i may be Scottish, but i have almost no accent and it's covered up by my more prominent races, such as Swedish. If you have any tips on how to write in a Scottish accent, i would be happy to hear 'em

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