A battle of Mega Proportions

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Lightning's POV 

I was walking through the forest, with Diamond of course. "umm... sorry about yesterday Jewels" I say as we walked, paw in paw. "it's... really not ok... as much as i love you, what happened isn't right" she said and looked away from me. i release her paw and continue walking, my ears had fallen against my head. "i know... i shouldn't have gotten so mad, because i know you can defend yourself... but the second i saw blood on your face, i snapped..." i say with a soft whimper "i just wanted to protect you, because i wasn't able to protect my dad" i say as a few tears fall from my face as i slowed down, eventually coming to a complete stop. "i was to weak to protect my own father, and i don't want you to die because of my jealous ex" i say as more tears fall. "please forgive me..." i say with a frown, thinking she wouldn't. "of course i forgive you" she said, tackling me to the ground in a hug. I smile and wrap my arms tightly around her before getting up and dusting myself off. I smile as she hopped on my back as she  wrapped her arms around me, her paws hitting my wound. making me yelp in pain "OH MY ARCEUS, i'm so so so sorry, i forgot about your wound" she said with a whimper. i wince in pain as i rubbed my stomach as the pain subsided "it's fine" i say with a wince. "well... where are we even going?" she asked as i walked "i wanted to show you something, the place i first discovered how strong i really could be. this was before Thunder Scythe, before Teravolt Havoc, before you, before Sparkles. and it's when i decided i'd try my hardest to keep my strength hidden" *i say as i pull her into the forest. as i walk i feel someone watching me, i stay on high alert as i look around us, seeing nothing. eventually we come across a clearing. a huge boulder in the middle of it, but the boulder was cracked into four. "i broke this, with a single punch. of course i broke my paw after it" i say with a laugh as i hear a rustle in the leaves. i then spot some bright red eyes in the pitch black shadows. "Diamond...?" i say as i drew my Scythe, "yes Lightning?" she replied. "hide" I say as the glowing eyes disappear. She whimpered and hid behind me. i curse out loud, There's no place to hide, Arceus damnit i think to myself as i summon a box of electricity around her. I then stay on high alert as a bush rustles behind me. instinctively i turn around. and...

???'s POV

I finish fighting another Pokemon and cross his name off my list as i walk away. Decker has been beaten, whoooooooos next on the list... Blade the Leafeon? hmm... who knows where he is... Phoenix the Flareon? nah, he's off killing escapees... Amp the Jolteon perhaps? no, she's off fighting in a war probably... Suriv? he's easy to find, just follow the trail of dead plants.. but that'll risk me catching the Corruption, or even worse... the Anti-Corruption i shiver to myself as i continue walking maybeeeee... Proton? nah he's only interested in fighting Garchomps... Equa the Noivern? i mean i could, but he prefers to battle in his cave, and i can't beat him when i can't see... OH! why didn't i think of this SOONER?! i yell in my head as i swiftly dash towards Grotto Forest. As i ran, i spotted the Jolteon i was looking for, but he was with a female Glaceon. Oh great... now what do i do... i ask myself as i quietly followed them. Suddenly the Jolteon's ears twitch and he turns his head. i quickly hide behind a tree, then continue following them. Soon they're in a clearing, and i could see the Jolteon in perfect view. The infamous, legendary Lightning the Jolteon. I growl and study him. i then start moving towards them, but i make too much noise. The Jolteon's head instantly turns towards me, making eye contact with me. I curse silently and wait for him to turn his head away. i then dash away. Arceus Damnit, now he knows im here. it'll be much more difficult to beat him now i think to myself as i formulate a plan. I dash around to his backside. i then make some noise, before using Metal Claw and dashing into fight.

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