Chapter 1. Start (and end) of a new friendship

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                                                                                      Spark's P.O.V

"OK, today is the day the new student is coming to school" I thought excitedly, "maybe I can make a new friend". "HEY SPARKY (spark's nickname ironically also my nickname cuz of how much energy i have), YOU READY TO GO YET?!?" Flare called from downstairs. You see, I live with my roommate Flare (and best friend), because my brother was driving me insane so I decided to move in with Flare. "Yes, almost" I called back, "WELL HURRY, we can't be late to meet the new student". I finished brushing my fur, I put on my favorite cap, a yellow cap with white lightning bolts, and walked downstairs and met Flare. As they were walking to school Flare asked "so, you excited to meet the new student?" "You bet i am" I replied "I hope the new student is a girl, because I would like happiness in my life" I said.

When we got to school the bell was about to ring for class to start, "oh shit" we both said, and started racing to class. As I turned the corner I bashed into somebody, "My bad" the other Pokémon said. As my vision returned to normal, i saw that the Pokémon i ran into was a Glaceon  "No no no, it's my fault I wasn't looking where i was going" I insisted "do you need help walking to class?" I asked, "no it's fine you need to get to class or else you'll be late". "Fuck, you're right" I shouted, as i was racing back to class "BYE, IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU!".  As I ran down the hall, i just couldn't stop thinking about that Glaceon.

In Class (math class for those interested) I made it just before the last bell, "oof, just barely made it" I said "bout time you got here, you almost missed the introduction of the new student" Flare said. The new student came into the room and said "hello, I'm Diamond, the new student", "Oh, hey that's the girl I ran into in the halls" I thought. Diamond made eye contact with me, and I blushed a little and turned away i then yelled at myself "WHY AM I BLUSHING?!?!  I JUST MET HER". "Well diamond" the teacher said " why don't you go sit down byyyyyyyy... Spark!". The sudden shouting of my name startled me and I fell of my chair. "hahahaha" the class laughed.  I heard Diamond giggling, and I blushed a little. I asked myself "how do I have a crush on a girl I just met???"

                                                                                      Diamond's POV

"I can't wait to get the school" I thought "I wonder who I'll meet first".  When I got to school she started to look for the Math Classroom. Suddenly, I got tackled by someone, "my bad" I said, I looked at who ran into me, it turns out... It was a Jolteon, "No no no, it's my fault I wasn't looking where i was going" the Jolteon said, "do you need help walking to class?" he asked "no it's fine, besides you need to get to class or else you'll be late" I said, "Fuck, you're right" he said, "BYE, IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU!", he shouted, running down the hall. As I walked down the empty halls looking for my classroom, I thought about that Jolteon, "he sure seemed cute" I thought "and his fur looked so soft" I thought, blushing. I then immediately scolded myself "DIAMOND, you just met him"

When I found the room, as I was introducing myself to my classmates, I spotted the Jolteon from before "well Diamond, why don't you go sit byyyyyyyyy. Spark!", The Jolteon fell out of his chair, "Hehehe" I giggled and I think, I THINK, I saw him blush. Also, I swear that name, Spark, sounds familiar. 

                                                                Time skip to lunch time, Spark's POV

"Wow, I cant believe I already embarrassed myself" I thought to myself "i wonder if she wants to be friends. As I walked to my lunch table i was lost in thought. "hey spark" hunter,  a leafeon, said "how was math class?" "terrible" i said "i already embarrassed myself in front of the new girl", when the rest of the gang got to the table we started eating. Then surprise, Diamond sat down at our table "hello" she said, everyone said hi back. "why are you sitting over here?" i asked "because i wanted to introduce myself better, as well as become friends with the guy who rammed into me in the halls", "oof" I thought to myself "wait wait wait, hold on" Hunter and Flare said at the same time, "you ran into her in the halls?!", "ACCIDENTALY!!" I shouted, "why do you want to be friends with me??" i asked diamond "welll. 1, because you're cute" that made me blush, "and 2, because you seem nice".

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