Hunter gets Hertz

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                                                                                      Hunter's POV

I took Eclipse on a date to the beach. While there i saw Spark, but without Diamond. Hmmm strange. "HEY SPARK" i yelled. The Jolteon turned, i saw it wasn't Spark there was no Bite mark. The Jolteon dashed away. "Eclipse did you see that?" i asked "yeah, it looked just like Spark" she said "should we tell him?" she asked "nah, it's probably nothing" i said. We sat on the sand, well i did, Eclipse sat in the shade. "how are you in the sunlight?" she asked "i love the sun" i said "i do to, but it's roasting hot out" she said "it's nothing, i love the heat" i said "it gives me energy". I leaned over and gave her a kiss. "awww thank you" she said "well, i am you boyfriend" i said "it's my job to make sure you feel loved". "well thank you anyway" she said. I sat down beside her in the sun. "It's nice to have you" Eclipse said "i didn't have many people caring for me" she said "i have one really good friend, his name is Zap. He card for me when my parent's didn't". "well i will always care for you. I love you, and i want you to feel loved." i said. Riptide came over "hey hey" he said "hello Riptide" i said "you two on a date?" he asked "yup" i replied. "well i'll leave then" he said going back into the water and swimming off. "well, you hungry?" i asked "i could eat" she replied. 

                                                                                 Eclipse's POV

Hunter left to go get food when Flare and Silver said hi. "hello, what brings you two down here?" i asked "we came here for a date" Flare said. "oh? me and Hunter are on a date as well, he left to get food" i said. "oh, good for you, i forgot you were dating" Silver said "yeah, Amber went to hang out with Spark's brother" i said "Floof? Amber seems to like him a lot" Flare said. "she sure does, i think they're perfect for each other" i said "i'm back" Hunter said "i brought food" he said. "oh, hello Flare, Silver. what brings you here?" he asked "not much, we came down here for a date" Flare said. Flare looked off in the distance and said "is that Spark?". "hmm? i don't think so" i said "we saw him earlier without Diamond as well". "strange, it looks just like Spark. should we tell him?" Silver asked "no, he's been through enough. If that Jolteon becomes a problem, we'll take care of him" i said. "ok, well you two enjoy your date" Flare said, and walked off with Silver. "well. shall we eat?" Hunter asked "sure" i replied. As we ate i noticed the temperature cooled down, i got out of the shade and sat next to him. "Wow, this feels nice" i said "yeah, the temperature is perfect" Hunter said. After we ate, I went for a swim. Hunter cannonballed into the water splashing everyone. He laughed. "follow me, i wanna show you something cool" i said. I hugged him and used Psychic. we sunk to the ocean floor. "Wow, this is beautiful" Hunter said. We were surrounded by a sphere of air, i was using psychic and keeping the water from collapsing in. "yeah, i do this all the time" i said "it's so peaceful down here, not like the chaos up there" i said. "yeah, it beautiful" Hunter said looking around at the water life. A arrowcuda swam by "hey you two should kiss" it said "Oh shut up" i said to it. I gave Hunter a kiss and he hugged me. "i love you Hunter" i said "i love you too" he said back and smiled. "this is amazing" he said. "yeah" i said "but you are more beautiful, amazing, and cute than anything else" he said. "awwwww, thank you" i said blushing. "were your parents nice to you?" He asked "yeah, they were good parents, until i was abandoned" i said "i wish i knew my parents" he said "awww, well you have me now" i said "i sure do" he said. 

                                                                                    Hunter's POV

Eclipse brought us underwater, where we hung out. "what a great date" i said "yeah, it sure was" she replied. She seemed exhausted "you alright?" i asked "yeah, just a little tired" she said "well get some sleep" i said. She left i went inside and thought about the strange Jolteon. Hmmmm, i wonder if Spark knows him. I'll have to ask him about that. Amber came in "hey Amber, you have fun with Floof?" i asked "yeah, i think i'm in love" she said "awwwww, how cute." i said teasing her. "shut up you" she said and tackled me "i'm just teasing, i mean that's what older siblings are for" i said "biological or not". "awwww" she said "*yawn* well i'm tired, goodnight Hunty" she said and went upstairs. I thought about the Jolteon again. Weird, probably one of Storm's weird tricks. I went to bed and fell asleep.

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