My Birthday Special :3

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 Warning, this breaks the fourth wall a few times, if you don't want that, then skip this chapter or don't read it. And boy are you in for a treat.

                                                                                    Spark's POV

When i woke up, something felt... off, i'm not sure how to explain it. I woke up Diamond, "something feels weird today" i said, she looked around the room "yeah, it does" she said and got up. We walked outside and the rest of the group met up with us "oh, morning guys" i said. We all greet and said good morning to each other. "Sooooo... does anyone else feel weird" Amber asked "yeah, i thought it was just us" Diamond said. I looked around and noticed a Human walking towards us. "hello? Who the hell are you and how did you get here?" Blackout asked "I'm the writer, but you can call me Seth" he said smiling. "Get out of here, trainer" I growled "chill out Lightning" he said and looked at me "you're cute little scythes, and Teravolt Havoc don't scare me" he said. "How did you know about that?" i asked "i know everything about all of you, even things no-one else does" he said. "Anyway let me tell you that i will be hosting a party, as it is my birthday today" he said. "what makes you think we want to go to your party?" I asked "because if you don't you'll never get back to normal" he said writing typing something on his phone. "SPARK LOOK" Eclipse yelled, i looked down and saw a fluffy scarf instead of my spiky fur collar. "SPARK YOU'RE AN... Eevee?" Hunter said confused. "Yes, and he'll stay that way unless you all come, i told you i'm the writer, i can do whatever the fuckity fuck i want" he said "TURN HIM BACK" Sparkles, Blackout, and Juniper yelled "your tiny blades don't scare me" Seth said walked away "it's in the town center" he said and disappeared. "strange" Flare said. All the girls were staring at me. "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO CUTE" Amber, Diamond, and Aurora said. "uhhhhh, i don't like this" i said. I tried summoning a scythe but was unable to. I took a look at my move set, i didn't have any of my moves. I had Buzzy Buzz, Baddy Bad, Bouncy Bubble, and Sizzly Slide. Fuckin partner moves, well at least he gave me good moves. "Ok we have to go, i want, no NEED to return back to normal" i said "awwww, but you're so cute" Diamond said. I blushed "i don't care i want to be myself not this stupid partner Eevee" i said. 

                                                                                   Flare's POV

So uhhhh, Spark got turned into a Eevee, by a Human... AWESOME. He looked about 10, but as still 18. As me, Silver, Diamond and Spark. walked to a store to buy him some a suit that fits him, someone said "oh my gosh, your son looks so cute", and Diamond has never blushed so hard. Spark looked like he wanted to melt into the ground. "t-thank you" she said and we continued walking. "God damnit who does that dude think he is?" Spark asked me "who? that Seth guy?" i asked him "yeah, that bitch" he said. "apparently he's like Arceus but actually like a god (just a joke, don't take this out of context)" Silver said. We got to the store and Spark bought an expensive suit that fit him, not sure why Spark bought an expensive one and when i asked him he said "i dunno, i feel like i have to" Spark said. When we checked it out the cashier stared at him and asked me "how the fuck is he able to afford this?", i replied with "you wouldn't believe me, but he's Lightning" i said, she clearly didn't believe me but shrugged. We left and headed over to Ness's house to ask him if he could fix Spark. "Come in, come in" He said smiling, Aurora ran over and picked him up. I was talking to Ness "Is there a way to fix Spark?" I asked Ness "Unfortunately, i don't think so" he said. Diamond looked at Spark, he seemed to be having fun. 

                                                                                  Aurora's POV

Lightning came over, i grabbed him and picked him up "please put me down" he said "nah, i don't think i will" i said smiling. I tossed him around, he started laughing like a little kid. They left and i talked to Ness "so how long do you think he'll stay this way?" i asked "i don't know" he replied "lies" i said smiling, he smiled "i wish it was, unless that "Seth" guy changes him back, Spark will remain that way" he replied "that wouldn't be too horrible, i mean he's fuckin adorable" i said and laughed. He shrugged and walked away "OI, where are you going?" i asked him "to get changed, the party is in an hour" he yelled back "AHHHH" i yelled and raced by him to get a dress picked out. I didn't put it on until it was time to leave. But before we left we went to go, we met with Eclipse and Hunter. "Hey" i said when we met up with them. "i hope Spark stays an Eevee" Eclipse said "i know, me too. He's just sooooo cute" i said smiling. We laughed together while Ness and Hunter chatted "so what are you going to where to the party?" i asked "i don't know for sure" she replied. "we should wear something nice to it. this Seth character seems pretty powerful not gonna lie" i said smiling. We left back home and i put on the dress. "how do i look?" i asked Ness "beautiful, aaaas always" he said and kissed me. "awww thank you" i said smiling. We head to the Party and are greeted by Seth "good evening" he said bowing down. Suddenly he transformed into a Zoroark. "so you were a Zoroark this entire time?" Ness asked "no, i'm not inherently a Pokemon. but sense i'm the writer i... can... be... whatever... Pokemon... i... want" he transforming into a bunch of different Pokemon. "enjoy the party" he said with a sly grin. Soon after Flare and Silver arrived. Silver was wearing a pink, and silver dress. Flare wore a red and tan tuxedo. "good evening. Flare and Silver i presume?" Seth said, "yes, that's right" Flare said glaring at Seth "since when were you a Zoroark?" Silver asked "i can be whatever pokemon i like" he said, and proved his point by turning into an Arceus, then back to a Human. 

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