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After Ben had disappeared, Y/n decided to take a nap. It was short lived, because Vanya, Diego, and Luther showed up. Vanya sat on the right side of the couch farthest away from Luther. Y/n sat on the left side and Diego stood near the stairs, grabbing his shirt.

"Diego, this is a setup." Luther said with his mouth full, holding the paper the two men were given earlier, the paper read:
"To my Pursuers,

I, Reginald Hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the 20th of November, 1963, at half past seven o'clock.

1624 Magnolia Street
Dallas, Texas"

"Maybe," Diego spoke, putting on his orange over-shirt, "But we should go anyway."

"Says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week." Luther put the letter on the coffee table.

"Only once do I agree with you." Y/n told him, propping her feet up on the table. She nodded to him before putting her arms behind her head.

"Oh, don't worry, me and him are gonna have words." Diego said, adjusting his shirt, buttoning it up.

"Would you guys tell him he's nuts." Luther turned his head to look at Vanya and Y/n.

"I tell him that on a daily basis." Y/n shrugged, looking over to her right at Diego.

"I think we should go." Vanya agreed with Diego.

"See?" Diego turned his head to look at his brother as he put on his belt.

"Vanya, of all people, you should hate Dad the most." Luther spoke once again with food in his mouth.

"Come on, can he really be that bad?" She tilted her head, looking at the three others.

"Okay, well, let's see. He isolated you from the rest of the family, " Luther started, holding out his thumb to count.

Diego was tucked in his shirt, stating, "Kept you hopped up on pills."

"And he brainwashed you into thinking you had no powers." Luther finished, taking another bite.

"Jesus, this guy..." Vanya sighed, looking down.

"Like my dad." Y/n spoke softly, looking down at the floor, "Maybe worse..."

"Yeah." He said with a mouth full.

"Luther, if you speak one more fucking time with food in your mouth, I will hurt you." Y/n rubbed her temple, glancing over at him. She watched him slowly swallow.

"I mean, come on, I have to meet him." She exclaimed, motioning with her arms.

"You already know how this is gonna go." He pointed at Diego, "Dad is going to play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and he's gonna turn all of us against each other. You watch."

"Luther, we're not twelve anymore. All right? We're grown ass men. And women." Diego looked over at Y/n and Vanya.

"If you know it's a mind game, why play along and fall for it?" Y/n inquired, putting her feet down. She leaned forward, resting her arms on her thighs, staring at Luther. Luther sighed, shaking his head.

"Hey. Hey." Diego got closer to Luther, bending down to look at eye level with him, speaking softly, "We can handle him. Wanna know what's different this time?"

"What's that?" Luther nodded his head sarcastically.

"You got me. We go in there as a united front. No more 'Number One,' 'Number Two' bullshit. From now on, it's..." Diego took a seat on the arm of the couch, right where Y/n was sitting, "Team Zero."

"Team Zero?" Luther questioned as Y/n shook her head at Diego's comments.

"Team Zero. All the way." He reached out both arms to Vanya and Luther for a fist bump. They didn't fist bump him, making him put his arms down to his sides.

"It's okay, you poor thing." Y/n said sarcastically, patting his leg.

He pronounced as he grabbed her hand lightly, holding on to it as she relaxed her hand, "Now we wait."

"Yay." She had a monotonous voice, leaning her head back as Diego rubbed her hand with his thumb.

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