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Y/n was starting to tie Klaus up, after he peed. "Let's just re-tie you." She spoke to herself mostly as she kneeled, starting to tie up his legs.

"You know, no, I– I think– I think this was..." Klaus said, starting to stand up, standing to the side of the chair.

"Whoa–whoa. Wait." Diego interjected, stepping forward.

"I think this was a bad idea." The ghost-seeing man admitted as he looked down at Y/n.
"But it was your idea and it's a great way for you to get sober." Y/n stood up, holding the rope gesturing toward Klaus.

"No. I just I should have had just one last hit to ease me into it. That's all I need."

"No, no, no." Diego said as Klaus started to walked away from the chair.

"I'll be right back."

"I don't think so." Diego said as put his hand on Klaus' chest while Klaus tried to walk past him.


"That's not how it works, Diego." Klaus said, still trying to pass Diego.

"Nope. Sit down." Diego told his brother. He looked at Y/n real quick, then back at Klaus.

"Diego, listen." Klaus tried to get Diego to listen, but he was ignoring him, "Just listen."

"Sit." Diego demanded.

"Just listen." Klaus tried to get pass Diego once more and Diego punched him in his groin. He keeled over in pain.

Y/n didn't know what to do. She just stood off to the side and let them have their brotherly relationship thing. She felt bad for Klaus. All she wanted was for him to get sober, but all the ghosts would come back. There was no winning for him.

"Sit your ass down. Sit down. Sit down." Diego started pushing him over to the chair. "Y/n, help." She did what she was told and helped him tie Klaus back to the chair. Klaus was coughing and groaning.

"Damn it, Diego! Damn it! Stop it!" He tried to fight the rope as Diego wrapped it around him.


"Stop it!" He still tried to fight against it.

"Nope!" Diego continued to wrap it around him.

"Get off! Get Get off! Get off!" Diego put him in a chokehold, not a tight enough one to choke him, but one to calm him down, "Listen, listen. Listen to me. Listen to me. I can conjure her for you."

"Stop. Stop." Diego spoke sharply.

"Patch! I can–" Klaus was cut off.

Diego had grabbed the front of his shirt, he was pissed, "Don't use her name like that, okay?"

"Let me– Just let me go."

"You know can't conjure fucking shit until you're sober." Y/n stood off to the side, watching the two brothers.


"I don't wanna see her until I can tell her that I buried the bastards that killed her." Diego explain as he was checking the rope, making sure it was secure.

"Please. Please, Diego. Please. Please, Diego." Klaus begged and groaned. He looked sick.

"This is for next time. Puke, pee, whatever you need. Multipurpose. See?" Diego gave Klaus a blue bucket in his lap. "Y/n! Come on!" He called out to her, but she still stood there.

"Diego! Y/n! Diego, please come back! You pricks!" Klaus sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"I'm so sorry, Klaus! I really am!" She yelled out to him as Diego pushed her out of the room.


Diego and Y/n were about to go out of the building until Y/n tapped his arm, bringing his attention to the humming. They walked into the living room and Grace was there dusting a picture on the wall.

"Mom?" He was surprised and so was Y/n.

"Oh! Hello, Diego, dear." She stopped dusting, walking over to the two.

"How are you walking around?" He asked, taking her hand inspecting her arm. He looked up at Y/n, who shrugged.

"One foot in front of the other." Grace chuckled, "Why? How do you do it?"

"Mom, I–" Diego stopped himself, looking up at her. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Oh, let's see March 21st. Sunset was 7:33 p.m. Moon was waxing crescent. Dinner was Cornish hen, rice, carrots." She listed what happened a week ago.

"Mom, that happened over a week ago. Do you remember anything else?" He asked her, hoping to not hear about what he did.

She looked over to the side, then back at Diego and Y/n. "No. I suppose that's odd." She chuckled, "I wonder what the weather is like today. It would be nice to go to the park."

"Dad never let you off the grounds." He softly spoke. 

She took his hand in hers, "Your father isn't here anymore."

"You can do whatever you want, Mom." He said as Grace walked out of the living room. Her heels clicking on the floor.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now