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"Damn it. We should have taken him to the hospital." Allison said while her and Y/n carried Five into the living room of the infamous Umbrella Academy home.

"A kid with a shrapnel wound might raise some questions." Five muttered, barely staying awake.

"Yeah, well, so does the murder shrine in Harold Jenkins' attic." Allison said as they laid Five down on the couch. "He's still losing blood." She took off her jacket. "What do we do?"

"He's fine. I can fix him." Y/n said calmly, ripping Five's shirt.

"We gotta get the shrapnel out." Diego pointed out and he motioned toward Five's abdomen, then looked up. He noticed something.

"No dip." Y/n told Diego.

"Diego, where are you going?" Allison asked as Diego walked away from the three.


Y/n and Diego were leaning on the door frame, watching Grace take care of Five. Y/n didn't do as good of a job as Grace was doing. Y/n knew how to clean up a wound and sew together her skin. She wasn't taught how to make scars from being less noticeable when they heal.

Allison walked up to the two. "Anything?" Diego and Y/n said at the same time.

"It's always him and me, saying shit at the same time." Y/n thought, shaking her lightly.

"There's no answer at Vanya's place. And the receptionist at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today." Diego started walking away and Allison followed. With that, Y/n walked into the room, leaving them to talk.


Five woke up a couple hours after Grace fixed him up. Y/n stayed in there the whole time, waiting for wake up. She had got the chair out of Allison's room and been sitting in that the entire time. She was finally going to tell him.

"How's the wound?" She asked when she saw he woke up.

"Better. Thanks for catching me." He slowly sat up, trying not to open his stitches.

"No problem."

"So how'd you leave?" He asked, moving the blanket up to cover his chest.

"Leave?" She was confused, "Oh, the Commission?"

"Yeah, I know that it couldn't of been easy."

"I went to her and said that I was done killing. She told me, 'Once you kill, you are never done.' So I electrocuted her, just to make her pass out. Then I stole a briefcase and returned back here in the correct timeline." She explained, standing up, pointing at the ground to represent 'here.'

"She never came back or sent people after you?" He questioned, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh yeah, she did. She sent two people named, Kedge and Tali. They weren't very good, I killed them right when they found me.m, but evidently they were her best after me. She sent more and more and finally gave up because I was killing of her people." She answered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You know when I first started working there, there was plaque in the hall on the way to the Handler's office. It said 'Y/n L/n' and under that labeled, 'Youngest Person Ever To Work For The Commission' with your picture. Even when I went back there to get the information about Harold, she talked about you." He started talking about her.

"Wow. She misses me." Y/n smiled, then made a disgusted face. "I never want anything else to do with her."

"It's fascinating how your mood changes so quickly." He admired her.

"Yeah, sure." She changed the subject, "So how come you're such a big fan?"

"Just because it's amazing how young you were and ruthless. You were considered heartless and cold. I liked how amazing you were. It took forever for her to come to me and she came to you like that." He snapped his fingers, looking down then back up at her. "I wanted to be like you or at least a little better."

"Thanks, I guess. I'm glad I'm someone's role model." She shrugged her shoulder, "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Oh shit." She mumbled, "Okay, I'm Delores."

"Dolores is right there." He pointed at the chair Delores was sitting in.

"For someone so smart, you'd think you'd be able think about that." She looked down, mumbling to herself, "Come on, think Five."

"I can't. I'm really old, remember." He raised his eyebrows, smirking.

"Remember the girl that sat with you and told you go to the future?" She asked really quickly.

"You're the girl?" He asked, "I was stuck because of you?" He raised his voice. He couldn't stand up, but if he couldn't he would of stomped over to her.

"Yeah, it was my very first mission for the Commission." She looked at him, waiting for him to yell.

"Fuck!" He cursed, hiding his head in the blanket. He slowly lifted his head out, "You know, I had the biggest crush on you. I had only met you once and then named a fucking mannequin after you." He looked out the window, then at Delores.

"Really?" She asked, he nodded. "Are you okay? You pissed at me?"



"Yeah. That bitch gave you the mission." He motioned towards himself, "And if I hadn't gone, the world would definitely be gone in a couple days."

"Yeah, so I guess everything worked out fine." She smiled, happy everything turned out just fine. Except for the fact that the world is ending in a couple of days.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now