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Y/n turned around, going towards the door Diego had just went through. She walked down the hall, finding Diego in one of the rooms. He had just turned on the lamp that sat on the desk. She crossed her arms, still standing in the doorway as he blew dust off a file that laid on the desk.

"What is it?" Y/n asked, dodging the knife that was thrown at her.

"Do you have a death wish?" Diego looked up the girl as she strode over to him.

"Maybe." She pursed her lips, standing next to him now. He continued to look through the papers when they heard a door open and then retreating footsteps.

"Stay here and keep looking through stuff." Diego ordered as he grabbed the knife he threw earlier out of the wall, walking away to investigate the source of the footsteps.

"Yay. Paper." Y/n sarcastically spoke, looking through another set of papers and files, "What am I even supposed to be looking for? Why can't I go and do other things?" She thought, setting down the papers in her hands, walking out of the room to find Diego and the mysterious person.

Y/n walked down the hall, hearing a door shut, following where she heard the noise. She ended up at a door leading outside. She went out, checking her surroundings, seeing Diego faded away into the fog. She followed Diego about 15-20 feet away, not wanting him to notice her. And whoever he was following, she couldn't see, the fog was thick.

She watched from afar as Diego looked around, then a man jumped down from the rafting, kicking Diego in the chest. He fell backwards into a backflip, standing straight up again, unsheathing a knife, he threw it at the man. The man dodged it, leaving Y/n perplexed. She thought she was one of few who dodge his knives.

Y/n continued to watch as the fight unraveled. Diego and the mysterious man exchanging punches and kicks. The fight was looking like Diego has the upper hand as he grab a piece of rebar. Diego stopped, noticing something that Y/n couldn't see from in the rafters. The man stabbed Diego. The man walked away as Diego collapsed to the ground in his own blood. Y/n jumped down from the rafters, "Oy, you are..."



Y/n had gotten Diego back to Elliott's place without the help of Five. She was cauterizing the wound as he woke up in pain, screaming. "Shut up." She spoke, continuing to cauterize. "Stop moving too unless you want me to burn you."

"What the hell happened?" Diego asked, not moving an inch.

"I saved your ass after that weird guy stabbed you." Y/n explained, putting the tools aside, grabbing the disinfectant. "Why the hell did you stop? You had him."

"You were watching?" Diego questioned, Y/n raised an eyebrow, as in for him to explain, "It was my dad."

"Wow. Good job, knife boy." Y/n sarcastically clapped, "Your dad stabbed you and mine tried to. Guess that's something we have in common."

"Where are my clothes?" Diego raised his head up, looking around the room.

"Your shirt and belt are right there. That's all I took off."

"I told you to stay and look at the papers." Diego said as Y/n grabbed the cauterizer, pressing on the wound. He screamed then passed out.

"Maybe I should have." She stood up as Five walked in the room with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh. He isn't dead."

"Oh, not yet. Not yet." Y/n walked closer to him, noticing scratches on his neck. She turned around, grabbing the disinfectant and some gauze. "What happened?" She had him sit down on the table while she cleaned the scratches.

"Pogo." He answered, gaining a questionable look from her, "Right now he is still a child. I tried to say hello and this is what I get." Y/n nodded, throwing away the gauze, "Um, thanks."

"No problem." She replied when they heard soft snoring from the kitchen. They both look at Elliott, who was still tied up and fast asleep.

"You didn't untie him?"

"I kinda forgot about him." She shrugged her shoulders, "Hey, help me get him into the bedroom."

They got Diego into the bedroom, onto the bed. Y/n started to feel dizzy and lightheaded. "Fi–" She fell into Five's arms, he then laid her down gently next to his brother on his left.

"Y/n? Y/n? Shit!" He cursed, not knowing what was wrong with the girl. He noticing blood seeping through the shirt at her left bicep and lower abdomen. He cut her shirt off, cleaning the gunshots wounds properly, taking the Hello Kitty bandaids off. He finished, leaving the two to rest.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now