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Y/n stayed in the living room, eating a whole container of strawberries. She was waiting for Grace and Diego to come back from their walk.
"Man! I just ate the whole thing." She said to herself while standing up to throw the container away. "And I'm still hungry."
She walked into the kitchen. She threw the container away and sat at the table. "If Five was here I could already tell him and be done with it." She thought, laying her head down.

Y/n thought about that night. She really regretted it. If she had known about how she was going to be Allison's friend and how it would have messed up all of their childhoods. How Five must have felt being stuck in the future, the fucking apocalypse. She never, never would have done it. Y/n had an idea and started to head upstairs.
"Klaus? Are you dead?" She asked walking into the room that contained Klaus. He was on his side, almost asleep.
"Y/n? Can you please untie me?" He groaned as she put his chair back upright.
"Yeah. I'm so sorry, but I mean you asked for this."


Wednesday 8:15a.m. (again)

"Hold on. Hold the phone. We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?"
"Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego asked, motioning around a knife.
Light started flashing. A vortex appeared above the table. Everyone was shielding their eyes or backing up away. Y/n just stood there thinking that it was obviously Five. As she thought this, Five fell out out the vortex landing on the table.
"Je– Jesus!" Allison exclaimed, jumping back.
"You guys, am I still high, or do you see him, too?" Klaus asked as he motioned toward Five, who was sprawled out on the table.
"Five, where have you been?" Luther questioned while helping Five up off the floor.
"Are you all right?" Allison asked, 'trying' to help, but was really just standing there.
"Who did this?" Luther was holding on to Five as he spoke.
Y/n knew where he had been. Who had did this. He was at the Commission and the Handler did this. Y/n was worried that the Handler had told Five about what Y/n had did when they were younger. She knew Five would be pissed about that, after he carried Delores around for years and years.

She also knew that Klaus, Allison, Luther would be pissed too. Y/n was the reason that their brother was taken out of their life.
"Irrelevant." Five said as he got out of Luther's hold. He took a cup, walking away from the group. He drunk the whole thing in a matter of seconds. He sighed, then turned around, "So, the apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well," He held up the cup, "us."
"The Umbrella Academy." Luther answered, even though there was no question.
"Yeah, but with me, obviously. So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us?" Five was lecturing the siblings and Y/n thought that it was hilarious. She sat on the table, crossing her her arms.
"No." Klaus shook his head.
"And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead. I know who's responsible for the apocalypse. This is who we have to stop." Five  pulled out a folded paper. Allison held out hand. Y/n hopped off the table to look at the paper. Diego walked over to the group.
"Harold Jenkins?" Allison questioned.
"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked, looking up at Five.
"Are we supposed to know who the fuck that is?" Y/n cursed while backing up to sit back in the table. Five just slurped the drink in his hand.

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