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AGE 𝟖 — YEAR 1997

"What was mom like?" Y/n asked her father before she ate another bite of salad. She knew it was a touchy subject for her father.
"Be quiet and eat your dinner." Her father harshly ordered.
She has never been allowed to talk about her mother. There were no pictures, papers, or anything about her mother. Which Y/n was only allowed to go in her room, the living room, and the kitchen, so there was no way to see papers. Y/n knew nothing about her mother, except for her name, Elisa L/n. Y/n wanted nothing but to be loved by her father and to know about her mother. She was eight years old now, she deserved to know about her mother.
She knew all about her father, since he came on TV a lot. He was rich, not richer than Reginald Hargreeves, but still rich. He was a scientist, who wanted to become the greatest. Better than Hargreeves. The nanny, Ms. Collins, wasn't allowed to speak about the past.
She did though. She told Y/n that her father used to be fun, caring, and exciting. Now, he was turning into a old man when he was only 30. Y/n's mother and father used to go on dates every Friday. They played games and went sightseeing. Ms. Collins once told Y/n that they were an unstoppable duo.
Y/n's mother was beautiful. She had Y/e/c and long h/c. Y/n and her looked just alike. And they were alike. Y/n and her mother both loved to draw, read, and be adventurous. Even though Mr. L/n wouldn't let Y/n go and be a normal kid. When Y/n went on missions, she felt free and unstoppable.
"Ms. Collins?" Y/n asked as she got in her bed.
"Yes, Y/n?" Ms. Collins sat at the edge of the bed, questioning.
"Can you tell me what my mother was like, again? Father wouldn't answer me." Y/n inquired as she sat up, scooting closer to Ms. Collins.
Ms. Collins put a finger over her mouth, walking over to the door, quietly shutting it, "Now we must never speak of this to your father, ok?" Y/n nodded as the middle-aged woman sighed, "She was just like you. And looked just like you. She was ambitious, and kind."
"I'm not kind." Y/n looked down, slightly pouting.
"Yes, you are." Ms. Collins grabbed a hairbrush, slowly brushing Y/n's hair.
"No, I kill people." Y/n looked up as Ms. Collins gasped. Ms. Collins was about to speak, but stopped. Ms. Collins started placing the pieces together, the days Y/n went to play with children weren't play dates with other children, they were murder sprees for Mr. L/n. She thought, 'How could I be so stupid?'
"Goodnight, Y/n."
Y/n thought for a moment about what to do. She wasn't supposed to tell Ms. Collins that she killed people. Y/n started panicking, and electrocuted Ms. Collins. Y/n used so many volts of energy that it instantly killed Ms. Collins and knocked Y/n out from the energy loss.
The next morning Mr. L/n found the dead body and Y/n. Y/n was still passed out. He hooked her up to a bag of water filled with vitamins and mostly iron. He made the whole thing look like an accident. He made it seem like the light switch electrocuted her. He waited till Y/n woke up to call the police.
A week passed and Y/n already had a new nanny. It wasn't the same. Ms. Collins was her best friend and she worked for parents before she even born. Ms. Collins told Y/n everything about her mother and father. Y/n barely ate any that week, barely spoke. She loved Ms. Collins, she was her mother figure.
Y/n finally accepted the fact that she was dead. Y/n was a killer and she was always going to be.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now