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"Allison! You still here?" Y/n yelled as she walked into the Hargreeves' house. She went upstairs, looking in each room for her. Y/n then remembered a room Allison used to talk about going to. She looked around and found Allison sitting by the window. She smelled smoke, seeing a cigarette in Allison's hand. Y/n knew Allison only smoked when she was upset or nervous.

"Hey, Allison." Y/n waved at her.

"What happened to your face?" Allison was worried.

"Klaus punched me," Allison was shocked and mad at Klaus, "it's ok. It was for the good of the world." Y/n said as she sat down on the floor close to Allison.

"Are you drunk?"

"No. You know I don't like alcohol."

"Ah, Miss Allison," Allison pulled the cigarette immediately, "Miss Y/n," Pogo nodded toward her, "I was looking for you, Miss Allison."

"How did you, uh... how did you know I was here?" Allison stumbled over her words.

"Oh, it wasn't hard." He paused, looking around, "This is always where you used to come when you were upset."

"Who told you I was..." She stopped, thinking about who said she was upset. She placed her cigarette in an ash tray, "Luther."

"It was Miss Vanya," Pogo said while Y/n scratched some dry blood off her face, "She called to make sure you were okay."

Allison was silent for a minute, her face showed guilt, "Yeah, I, um... I said some pretty unkind things to her."

"She's your sister. She knows you didn't mean it." Pogo said.

"Doubt it," Allison put her hands in her pockets, "She doesn't know anything about me, which is fine, because I don't know shit about her either."

"Language." Pogo warned as Y/n held in a giggle. Y/n then decided to stay out of the conversation.

"Sorry," Allison apologized, "it's even been a while since we all lived under the same roof."

"Almost 13 years."

"How did you do it?" Allison asked Pogo, looking Y/n, who was sitting on the floor messing with her dried blood. "Alone in this huge house for so long."

"Well, one grows used to things," Pogo answered, "even if, sometimes one shouldn't." He paused, looking at Y/n, then back at Allison. "Come with me. I want to show you something. It might just cheer you up. Miss Y/n, you may come too." Pogo started walking away, Allison and Y/n both stood up. "And make sure you fully extinguish that cigarette. Wouldn't want to start a fire." Allison had already extinguished it, so Y/n and her followed Pogo.
While following behind Pogo, Allison asked Y/n a question, "So, you and Diego?"
"No." Y/n whispered back.
"I saw you get in his car with him."
"Klaus also got in the car."
"Whatever, Ms. Diego." Allison joked as Y/n rolled her eyes. They entered a surveillance room where footage of the Hargreeves when they were younger played.
"Your father stopped recording years ago, but I still come here from time to time. When I'm missing you kids." Pogo sounded sad. Y/n could tell how much he missed them.
"Pogo, this is..." Allison looked around at all the footage, "Most families have home movies to look back on. We have surveillance footage."
"Creeeeppy." Y/n mumbled, and then was lightly slapped by Allison.
"I hoped it might cheer you up." Pogo looked up at Allison.
"It does," Allison touched the screen, "Oh, my god! Look how little we were. Oh! Ben and I? I miss him so much." Y/n put her hand on Allison's shoulder.
Y/n looked at one screen, "Why she all alone? Is it Vanya?"
"Why didn't we include her? I mean, if anyone ever treated Claire like that, I can't even imagine..." Allison was at a loss of words.
"You were a child, Miss Allison."
"Yeah... but I'm not anymore," She paused, "and neither is she."
"If you're not in a hurry, the rest of the tapes are in that cabinet." Allison and Y/n looked to where Pogo was motioning towards. He gave the keys to Allison, "Make sure you lock up when you go. Things have been disappearing lately. These are too important to lose." Pogo nodded toward the girls.
Allison looked at the tapes, while Y/n sat on a chair looking at some of the footage that was already playing. A young boy was getting help from Grace. The boy was Diego. Y/n knew it, 'Momma's boy.' They were sounding out words, but there was no sound to any of the footage. Y/n thought, 'Diego must of had a stuttering problem.'
Y/n stood up, placing her hands in her pockets. "Your good right?"
"Good, cause' I need to get this blood off me." Y/n walked away, looking for a bathroom. When she found the bathroom, the phone in the hall started ringing. No one else went to answer, so she went to the wall phone.  Answering the phone, "Hello? Who is this?"
"Y/n? This is Five." Five answered as she wet a hand towel, "Just the person I needed."
"What do you need?" She asked wiping her cheek with a wet rag.
"What are you doing at the moment?"

"I'm trying to clean the blood off my face." She said as she moved her nose with her fingers.
"I some need help getting someone." He answered.
"Ok, I'm up for another challenge. Where at?" She smirked.


"So who are we getting?" Y/n asked, walking next to Five. They both were soaking wet from the rain. They walked across a parking lot to a closed store.
He sighed before he answered, "Dolores."
"Why is she here? Is she being held captive or...?" Y/n questioned. She stopped seeing that she was getting on his nerves with all the questions."
Five grabbed her arm, teleporting them both inside the store. Five was surprised that she wasn't sick or mad that he did that. Five turned on a flashlight and she made a spark of light from her hand. He pointed the flashlight at the mannequins, finding a specific one.
"She's a mannequin. That's cool." He nodded, "I remember watching Looney Tunes once, I used to want to date Bugs Bunny." Five looked at her strangely. She shrugged.
"Dolores," He softly spoke, looking at Delores, "It's good to see you." Y/n shuffled away a little, giving him some room. "I've missed you, obviously. Well, I... It's been a rough couple of days." He looked at Y/n, then back at Delores. He saw two silhouettes behind her. "Y/n! Down now!" He yelled as he grabbed Delores.
Gunshots went off. Luckily they ducked just in time. Five looked back at the figures. "Ah, shit! It's them."
"Them?" Y/n asked, still covering her head with her hands, laying on the ground.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz