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Y/n heard a soft mumble, "Shit." She turned slightly to see Diego trying to stand up. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." She stood up, seeing that her shirt was on the floor, all cut up and not wearable now. "Damn. These are from 2019 with Hazel and Cha-Cha." She motioned to the gunshot wound on her arm, then abdomen, "You need to lay back down."

"I need to? You have two gunshot wounds, I have one stab wound. I'm beating you in healthy-ness." He spouted, pointing at the girl.

"I'll sit if you sit."

"Fine." He huffed, slowly taking a seat back down on the bed. Y/n sat next to him, seeing Elliott through the doorway making something.

"Elliott!" Y/n called out, grabbing his attention, "Get me a shirt and bring Diego's shirt from the couch." She ordered, looking at the man as he hurried to find the clothes she wanted.

"So you got shot twice? Wow. You are tough."

"Yeah, I know. You get stabbed once and pass out. Pathetic." She smiled, seeing Elliott walk in the room with the clothes. He gave her a grey long sleeve button up and gave Diego his shirt and belt.

"I'm pathetic? You got shot twice. I didn't get shot once."

"Maybe I wanted to. Hm, ever think of that?" She asked, just laying the shirt to the side.

"Nobody would ev–" He paused, "Nevermind. I need to go, my dad is connected to JFK somehow and he knows that I'm close to–" Y/n put her pointer finger on his wound, making him fall back onto the bed.

"You think you can go? Take a break, knife boy. This might the last one you get." Y/n laid down next to him, groaning slightly at the pain.

"You are crazy." He turned his head to the left.

She looked to her right at him, putting a hand on her nearly-bear chest, "I'm hurt."

They both were silent for a minute, staring up at the ceiling.

Diego broke the silence, asking, "Why were you following me?"

"Gosh, Diego. If I hadn't of, you'd be dead." She lifted her head, looking at the man next to her.

"But still, why?"

"Because you're you and I wanted to see who the person was. And paper is so boring." She let out a breath, laying her head back down.

She lifted her upper body with her non-injured arm, looking down at the the man. "You know, I kinda thought you were dead. I didn't want another friend to die by my hands."

He did the same body movement, "Your hands?"

"Yes, um, I killed my nanny, Ms. Collins, on accident with my power. I killed my father with my power." She explained as a single tear started to fall down her face.

He wiped away the tear with his thumb, "I will never die by your hands." He put his hand down, asking, "So how'd you and Allison meet?"

"I became homeless after I spent all my inheritance money. She found me and took me in. I became her assistant and best friend. I helped her through a lot of hard times." Y/n explained, leaving him to nod his head.

The room became silent again until she spoke again, "You know, knife boy?"


"I don't hate you or want to kill you like I do with others." Their faces inches apart as she spoke.

"I don't either." He leaned in, their lips grazing against one another. Y/n raised her hand, slapping him, "Fuck! What was that for?"

"Sorry. I've never done this before. I don't know how emotions work." She spoke with a slight apologetic look on her face.

"I never know what is going on with you." Diego shook his head, looking the girl.

"Good." She pulled his head closer to hers, kissing him passionately.

"For someone who never–" Diego started, but was interrupted by Y/n.

"Shut up and kiss me, Knife Boy."

So many thoughts were going through Y/n's brain. "Guess Five was right about Diego being a better match. And Allison was right too. Not going to admit it to them though."

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now