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Allison just went out onto the red carpet. Allison was an infamous actress and famous for another thing... There was a woman managing some of Allison's meetings when the phone on the desk started to ring.

"Hello. This is Allison Hargreeves' assistant. How may I help you?" The woman put on a cheery voice after she picked up the phone. Allison had told her to always be nice on the phone.

"Is Miss Allison there? It would be easier if I told her." She heard the sincerity in his slight British accent.

"No. She just left for the carpet. I can take a message though." She grabbed a pen and notepad after speaking.

"Her father died about yesterday morning." She gasped as he said this, "He will be cremated in the morning. We could do something for him."

"I will let her know right away." The woman was shocked. She knew Allison didn't really like her father, but that was her father.

"Thank you, Miss um?"



Allison was bombarded with questions about her father's death, to which she had no clue about. She had been escorted off the carpet away from photographers and paparazzi. Allison came back to her house with Y/n and was informed about the call.

"I have to go and I want you to come with me. Will you?" Allison asked as she grabbed a suitcase from the large closet.

"Of course, Alli. When are we leaving?" Y/n had to support her best friend.

"In the morning. Be here by seven am." Allison said as she laid her phone on her desk.


"And thank you for coming with me," She hugged Y/n, crying lightly, "I can't believe that he died. Yes, he was a horrible father, but he was my only father figure." She sniffled a bit, holding on to Y/n for support.


Y/n went to Allison's house before seven and they left in Allison's car. They were on the way to the famous Hargreeves' house in the plane. When they landed they rented a car. Y/n was driving and Allison was smoking a cigarette. A habit of Allison's when she was nervous, really nervous. They pulled up to the house and parked the car. They walked in, after Allison put her cigarette out, and Y/n was amazed. It was a beautiful house.

"I'm going to go look for something." Allison said as she started to walk down the hallway. Y/n knew what she was looking for, it wasn't something. It was someone. Y/n stood there admiring the house, looking at up at the chandelier.

"Who are you?" A man in a weird vest that was covered in knives asked as Y/n turned around.

"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," Y/n laughed, "Sorry, I had to. I'm Y/n and you're Knife Boy?" She stopped a knife that was thrown by 'Knife Boy' with her electricity and it fell to the floor. She picked it up, poking the tip of the blade into her pointer finger.

"You're like us." He said quietly, as she then threw the knife back. He dodged it by leaning to his right. "I'm Diego. You're going to see a mess of people." He smirked walking away into another room.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now