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"I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt dad?" Vanya asked, as everyone looked at a small TV.

"You haven't been home in a long time, Vanya." Luther looked at her, then back at the TV. "Maybe you don't know Grace anymore."

"If he was poisoned, it would of shown up on the coroners report." Diego established, looking up at Luther.

"Well, I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes." Luther kept looking back and forth at Diego and the TV. Y/n could tell that there was going to be another argument.

"Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision." Diego got closer to TV, pressing a button on it. "Look closer. Dad has his monocle. Mom stands up. Monocle's gone." Diego turned around, bumping into Y/n. He walked over toward a table, behind Klaus. "Oh, yeah! She wasn't poisoning him. She was taking it, to clean it." Diego said.

"Then where is it? I've searched the entire house, including her things." Luther explained. Y/n thought that he was being creepy and annoying. "She doesn't have it."

"That's weird." Y/n mumbled.

"That's because I took it from her. After the funeral." Diego held up a knife, making a face like 'Oh, well.'

"You've had the monocle this whole time!" Allison exclaimed. "What the hell, Diego?"
"Give it to me!" Luther quickly put his hand out.
"I threw it away."
"You what?" Luther was going to lose his shit, Y/n could tell. She was kind of ready for it, too.
"Look, I knew that if you found it on Mom, you'd lose your shit. Just like your doing now." Diego stood up, pointing his knife at Luther.
"It makes sense on why he would do it." Y/n spoke as everyone turned toward her.
"You agree with this?" Allison asked, "Well, of course you do." She mumbled the last part.
"Diego, you son of a bitch."  Luther got closer toward Diego.
Diego started to get ready to fight. He balled up fists, but slightly put them down when Vanya said, "Calm down." She stepped in between them. "Look, I know Dad wasn't exactly an open book. But I do remember one thing he said. Mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker, but also as a protector."
"What does that mean?" Allison questioned.
"She was programmed to intervene if someone's life was in jeopardy."
"Well, if her hardware is degrading, then we need to turn her off." Luther decided.
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait." Diego quickly spoke, "She's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet. She feels things, I've seen it." Diego defended his mother.
"She just stood there, Diego, and watched our father die."
"I'm with Luther." Allison looked down at her glass filled with alcohol.
"Surprise, surprise." Diego said sarcastically.
"Shut up!"

Diego looked toward Y/n, "What?" She asked. "Oh, I'm not a part of your family," She pointed at Diego. "so I don't vote."
Luther and Diego looked at Vanya, "I do–don't," She was interrupted by Diego.
"Yeah, she shouldn't get a vote." Diego was lightly slapped by Y/n on the arm.

"Listen to her." Y/n turned toward Vanya nodding at her to continue.
"I was going to say that I agree with you."
"Okay, she should get a vote." Diego said, then looked toward Klaus, "What about you, stoner boy. What do you got?"

"Oh, so, what? You need my help now? Oh, 'Get out of the van, Klaus! Well, welcome back to the van.' "

"What van?"

"What's it gonna be, Klaus?" Luther was slightly aggravated.

"I'm with Diego, because screw you! And if Ben were here, he'd agree with me." Klaus looked over at the wall behind him, snarling. Ben probably didn't agree.

"So that's three to two?" Diego held up his fingers.

"Vote's not final yet." Allison started, "Five's not here. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that."

"Right." Luther agreed.

"No, we should wait." Vanya said as everyone started walking away. Y/n went down the hallway, following Allison. She and Allison talked for a couple of minutes in her room on the bed, before Y/n stood up.

"I'll be back." Y/n mimicked the Terminator voice. Y/n watched it, once, with Allison. They stayed of all night watching classics that Y/n needed to watch. Y/n walked passed Diego's room. He was sitting on his bed, thinking.

"What the hell are you doing?" Diego asked as he came out of his room, following Y/n.

"I'm walking. What does it look like?" She asked sarcastically.

"No shit."

"I'm hungry. Yes. Again." Y/n spoke, "People need to eat, Knife Boy". She walked into the kitchen, getting the peanut butter and a spoon. She sat on the table, eating it by the spoonful.

"You're seriously just going to eat peanut butter with a spoon?" He questioned, sitting next to her.

"Yeah, want a bite?" She asked as she held out the spoon. He took a bite, questionably. She put the spoon in the sink and the peanut butter back.

"I'm going to talk with Mom, want to come with?" Diego stood up, tilting his head at her.

"Sure, why not?" Y/n shrugged, standing up. She followed Diego up the stairs.

"Mom, we need to talk." Diego walked up to Grace. Y/n leaned up against the wall, she didn't want to butt in.

"Okay, but only for a minute. I need to finish this cross-stitch." She didn't look up, she continued sewing.

"Everything you did for us when we were kids, for me, why'd you do it?" Diego asked.

"Because being your mother is the greatest gift of my life." She looked up at him, putting the cross-stitch down.

"Is that you saying that?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Diego." Grace was confused.

"I mean, our father, he made you. When you think something, is it like he's telling what to say?" Diego stepped closer toward her. Y/n tuned their conversation out. She heard Diego raise his voice once. Diego snapped her out of thinking. "Come on." He led her away as she looked back. Grace was standing, looking at all the paintings.

Everyone was waiting for Five to come back. Klaus was in the bath, Allison and Luther were with each other. Vanya was probably in her own home. Diego and Y/n were in his room.

They were just about to talk about Y/n's and Diego's past when they heard gunshots.

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