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Y/n looked down at the ground, tears prickling at her eyes. She fell to her knees, grabbing Five in her arms quickly. She looked up at him, his face laced with concern, "I'm so sorry.

"Y/n, we don't have the time. You already explained and I forgave." Five told her as he awkwardly held his arms above her kneeled body.

"Shut the fuck up and let me have this!" Y/n yelled then continued cry onto his small torso as he lightly put his hands on her shoulders. Diego had a look of confusion and concern on his face. She wiped her tears as she stood up, "Okay, I'm good." She went back to her serious stature. "Now, what?" The two boys looked at her strangely.

"Dad's clearly in Dallas, right? Let's just go talk to him." Five walked back and forth, "Maybe he can help us fix the timeline."

"Dallas is a big place." Diego clarified, "We need to find him first." He looked back at Y/n, who just stood next to Elliott awkwardly, obviously embarrassed about what just happened.

"Gee, if only we had some magical, old-timey way of people and their addresses." Five spoke sarcastically. Diego and Five found an address book while Y/n went to the closet and stayed in there until she heard the door creaking open.

"What are you doing in here?" Diego asked, standing in the doorway.

"Just having a glorious party." Y/n looked up at him, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm crying." She wiped some tears off her face with her forearm.

He stepped closer to her, walking into the closet, "Why are you crying? What happened?"

"I–" She paused, "I was the cause of Five leaving. It was my first job for the Commission. I told him to go to the apocalypse and even though he forgave me, I still feel bad. And it's really weird, because I never cry. I only cried when I killed my father and nanny. I don't know what emotions are really." During her explanation, Diego had put his arms around her, now sitting on the floor. Her head laid on his chest.

"You made Five leave?" He pulled her head off his chest to look her in the eyes.

She nodded, "You must be angry."

Diego thought about it for a minute. His father made him do stuff to save the world. How was this any different. She had job to do and if she hadn't done it, then Five would've never known about the apocalypse and they would all be dead now. He looked down at her, "I'm not. I understand why you did it."

"Five's kinda waiting for us, huh?"

"Yeah," He said, standing up, then reaching a hand out, helping her up. "So corn dogs?"

"You get me so well." Y/n said, shutting the closet door.

"No, I don't." Diego responded, both of them walking to find Five.


Diego, Y/n, and Five stopped for corn dogs before they arrived at D.S. Umbrella Manufacturing Co. Five didn't want any.

"This is it." Five said after Diego stopped the car. All three got out of the car.

"'D.S. Umbrella.' This is it."

"No shit, Diego." Y/n cursed quietly, "Five just said that." Diego gave her a glare.

Five stopped walking towards the building, Diego and Y/n noticing, "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine." Five looked down, then continued to walk, "Just..." He sighed.

Diego unsheathed one of his knives, "How long's it been since you've seen the old man?" He asked, squatting down, going to try and break in.

"Forty-five years." Five continued to look at himself in the reflection of the glass door.

Five looked down to his right at his brother, who spoke, "That's a trip."

Five turned around, facing away from the door, leaning against it, "No kidding." He sighed, looking at Y/n, then to Diego, "You know, when I was stuck in the apocalypse, there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head."

"What was he saying?" Diego asked, the muttered, "Ah, shit."

"'I told you so.'" Five answered, making Diego scoff softly.

"Well, if Dad's here, he's never met you before, so he can't say 'I told you so.'"

"I'm sure he'll find a way." Five replied, Y/n smiling slightly. Five spatial jumped into the building, unlocking the door.

Five opened the door, holding it open for Y/n and Diego. "Right, gotta remember that." Diego stood up, clearing his throat. Y/n walked in through the door before Diego.

The three walked through the building into something that looked like a waiting room. Five turned on a lamp, walking over to Diego and Y/n. The light flickered, all three turning to see it turn off. Five cursed, "Shit."

"Guess Dad wasn't much for home decor."

Five looked over at the couch, hitting the pillow covered in dust. "Feels more like a front."

"A front for what?" Diego questioned.

Five let a breath out, "I don't know."

"Don't worry." Y/n put her hand out, lighting up the room slightly with her power.

"Well, I'll take the left." Diego grabbed the doorknob, opening the door slightly, "Yell if you, uh, get in trouble."

"Go with him, he'll need your help." Five shut the door, leaving Y/n in the slightly dim room.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now