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"—she's not just a danger to us." Allison and Y/n only heard Luther say those words as the two walked down a dark and creepy hallway.

"Allison, what are you doing down here? You should be in bed." Luther said as Y/n handed Allison her pen and paper.

She wrote, "Let her go."

"I can't do that. She hurt you."

Allison wrote again on a different sheet, "My fault."

"I'm sorry, but she's staying put." Allison tried to walk by Luther and Diego, Luther spoke again, "Just until we know what we are dealing with." Allison still tried to push by. She hit his chest twice, only making him say, "She stays put."

"Let her go! You are treating her like you guys did when you were younger!" Y/n yelled, being the voice for Allison, trying to get to Vanya. Diego picked Y/n up, bringing her away from the two and Vanya. Y/n yelled for Vanya and Allison, but Diego had her in his clutch.

After Y/n begged and begged and tried and tried to see Vanya, she checked on Allison. Allison just wanted to be left alone, so she sat in the kitchen with Diego. Grace gave Diego a plate of mini pancakes with smiley faces on them and gave Y/n a bowl of strawberries and banana slices.

They sat in silence until Diego spoke, "What did you say earlier before you left the room?"

"Oh, it was nothing."

"Tell me."

"I—" Y/n stopped, listening to the house creaking. It sounded like something had collapsed or was going to.

Y/n walked through the hallway, Diego following behind, "Yo, what the hell is going on?"

"Are those explosions coming fr—" Klaus started.

Y/n and Luther finishing his sentence, "Vanya."

"We need to get to safety." Pogo held onto his cane, "Outside the Academy." He spoke as more explosions were heard.

"Don't forget Mom!" Diego shouted, Klaus running after him. Y/n chased after the two, yelling for Allison and Luther to come on.

Y/n followed the two boys to Grace's space, seeing she wasn't there. Diego shouted, "Mom! Where is she?" The three ducked as another explosions was heard and felt. Diego and Klaus continued to shout for their mother as the three ran through the house. Drywall from the ceiling fell and hit the boys on the head, making them fall to the ground.

Klaus groaned, rolling over. Y/n noted that Klaus was as okay as he could be, Diego still laid on the ground. "Diego, Diego!" Klaus and Y/n smacked him on the back and shoulder, trying to wake him. The ceiling was about to fall over the three. Y/n grabbed Diego's hands, trying to pull him. An invisible force grabbed Diego and pulled him and Klaus out of the way before the ceiling caved in.

Y/n grabbed one of Diego's arms, putting it over her shoulder, helping him walk. The three got out of the building, climbing down the fire escape stairs.

They stopped for a second, Diego putting a hand on Y/n's and Klaus' face, "You guys just saved my life."
Diego looked up, seeing Grace in the window, "Mom! Mom! Get out out there now! Mom, get out of there!" The boys yelled at the robot above.

Diego started to go back towards the house, "I'm coming to get you!"

"No, Diego!" Klaus grabbed Diego's arm, pulling him back.

"Come on, guys! We need to get out of here!" Y/n grabbed Diego's hand, pulling and running away from the building that was falling apart.

The Academy fell to the ground, falling to a million pieces. Once the damage stopped, Diego started to rummage through the wreckage. "Mom!" Diego looked back at the two, then back at the destruction, "Y/n! Klaus! Come here. Help me search."

"Diego," Klaus put his hand on Diego's shoulder, "Just stop it."

"No, what— what are you—" Diego looked up at his brother.


Klaus pulled his brother away from the wreckage, "Let me go. What are you doing?"

"Stop. Stop." Klaus spoke as Diego fought against him. "She's gone. She's gone, okay? She's..." Klaus shook his head.

"What do you wanna do? You wanna–" Diego started stuttering, "wanna wa–walk away from this?"

"No." Klaus breathed out, looking over at Y/n.

"What about Pogo?"

"He didn't make it." Luther said as him and Allison walked over to them. Y/n ran over to Allison, hugging her lightly.

"What?" Diego asked.

Luther sighed, "Vanya killed him."

"But Vanya wouldn't—" Y/n and Diego said at the same time.

"No, I saw it." Luther sighed once again, "Just before we got out."

"Mom. Now Pogo." Diego gasped, taking a seat on a piece of the rocks.

"Guys!" Five shouted, running over and around the destruction, coming towards the group. "This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." Five looked around at the group, holding a newspaper in his hand.

"I thought you said it was over?" Luther raised suspicion, stepping forward.

"I was wrong, okay?" Five raised his hands, holding up the newspaper, "This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed."

"No, that doesn't mean anything." Diego shook his head. "Time could've been altered since that newspaper came out."

"Vanya." Y/n spoke, stepping forward, "Vanya was the one, not Jenkins. Vanya causes the apocalypse."

"We have to find her." Luther announced as a helicopter flew over.

"We wouldn't have to find her if it wasn't for you." Y/n seethed at Luther, "This is your fault."


"We gotta go, now." Diego interrupted Luther as he shielded his eyes from the lights, standing up. "There's no time to fight now." Diego said as he pulled Y/n.

"Regroup at the Superstar. Go!" Luther shouted, motioning for everyone to leave.

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now