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It was time for the gala. Diego and Y/n had stolen clothes while Five kept the same outfit on. Diego wore a blue blazer over a white dress shirt with a burgundy tie and grey slacks. Y/n wore a dress. It took a lot of convincing and a bribe of food. The dress was a dark red that hugged her body and went down to the mid-lower leg. She wore a pair of shiny, black 2-inch heels.

Right now, the three were hiding behind a stone wall. They jumped over it, one at a time. Running over to hide behind a car. Diego, then Y/n, Five; all squatting down behind the car.

"The plan?" Y/n asked, looking back and forth at the two boys.

Diego turned his head to answer Y/n, "We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time." He spoke softly, looking back at the building.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" Y/n asked, turning her head to Five.

"Find the old man and get out fast." Five spoke, looking at the girl, then towards the building.

"That's what I said."

"No the fuck it's not." She whispering-yelled, looking up at Diego.

"Whatever." Diego veered back around, "On me." He started walking, while still slightly squatting, to the other car. The three hid behind the car, then snuck around the side of the building. Sneaking into the building very easily.

They looked around at all of the people, not seeing Mr. Hargreeves. Diego spoke, "I don't see Dad anywhere."

"Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve. I got the upstairs." Five motioned with his champagne glass. "Diego, try not to do anything too stupid."

"That's hard for him." Y/n smiled as Five walked away.

He glared at her, then started to speak, "You're doing pretty good for someone who got shot twice."

"I've had worse happen to me." She looked up at him, not knowing what to do with her hands since she had no pockets. She started to hear music playing, "Come on." She grabbed his tie, pulling him with her, making him bend over little to walk. They were now the same height.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, "What are y–"

"We're doing something." She pulled him into a dancing stance, grabbing one hand with hers and placing the other hand on his shoulder. He put his free hand on her waist.

"I didn't think you could dance." He looked down at her.

"Allison and I practiced with each other for her wedding. I hated it."

"Then why are you dancing with me?" He twirled her, asking.

"Because I wanted to, now shut it." She continued to sway back and forth with him. "You're not too bad yourself."

"My father insisted on ballroom lessons." He replied, then started to mimic his father, "'One never knows when the paso doble will be the difference between life and death,'" He dipped her, "'children.'"

"Don't ever say 'children' again with that voice." She said, pulling back from him. She grabbed his arms, placing one hand on her shoulder, and holding the other.

"What are you doing?" Diego asked as she placed her free hand around his waist."

"Now follow my lead."

"Uh, no. I'm the man here." He stated, glancing down at her.

"I don't care." She smiled up at him, then twirled him. She then dipped him, laughing. When he came back up, he got back into the stance he wanted. He was now the lead. They both smiled at each other, then they noticed someone. Grace; the Hargreeves' robot mother was across the dance room.

"It can't be." The two spoke at the same time, walking through the crowd of people over to Grace. She was talking to some other woman, but the woman left as the two approached Grace. She turned around, looking a little confused at first, but then smiling.

"Mom." Diego let out.

"Never heard that one before." Grace spoke in a Texan accent. "Everything all right, hon?"

"You're real." Diego stepped forward, still dazed by the fact she was in front of him.

Y/n stepped forward, standing on her toes to whisper in his ear, "Diego, don't act weird. She's not the Grace you know."

Grace chuckled, "If this is your idea of a come-on, it's not going well."

"No." Diego finally spoke after a few seconds. He crossed his arms, "Uh, do... do you know a... a man named Sir Reginald Hargreeves?"

"Reggie? He's my date for this evenin'." She answered.

"Your date?" Diego made a disgusted face, "Ugh."

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, sorry. He's just had a few encounters with Mr. Hargreeves and they weren't pleasant." Y/n spoke up, looking at Grace.

"It's a lot to process. The thought of you two. It's nasty." He looked down at the ground as he uttered.

"You're a little odd, aren't you?" Grace smiled, furrowing her brows.

"Yeah," He looked at her smiling as she chuckled softly, "I mean, no." His face changed immediately to a monotoned one. "Do you know where he is?"

"He said somethin' about a quick meetin' and he'd be right back." She responded, "That was twenty minutes ago."

"Never good to keep a lady waiting."

"Tell him that if you find him." She took a sip of her drink, then walked away.

"Hey, uh, Grace." Diego called out to her. Y/n mentally slapped the shit out of him for saying her name when she never said her name. She turned around, making Diego continue, "It was nice meeting you."

She smiled, "You too."

𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ☂︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now