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Another double update for you guys, so make sure to check out chapter Forty!  This is one of the longest chapters I've ever done, but It's one of my favourites I hope you guys like it too! 



My fingers felt the sheets, trying to feel for Toby. He was gone, but my hands grazed some paper. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light filtering in through a gap in the curtains. It was his familiar handwriting, messy and scribbled.


Today's the big day!

I wish I could see you but we have to wait until later.

I can't wait to see you, but please don't over exert yourself.


I smiled and tried to sit up. My chest was still tight but nothing I couldn't handle. The crutches stood against the end of the bed, goading me.

It was so important, but it was gonna be a long day.

"Alpha!!" Voices half-sang, and I smirked as four women entered the room. My grandmother Elizabeth, Sienna, and two others armed with metal suitcases I've only seen hairdressers carry.

Oh no.

"This is Cherry and Louise, my hairdressers. They're here to help, sweetheart." Elizabeth soothed, a warm smile gracing her face.

I hadn't seen her since the pack hospital visit. She said she'd keep her distance as I healed, but I was happy to see her. In the end, she couldn't see us, and it must have broken her heart. Today was a family ceremony, and they needed to be here, and afterwards, they were off on their year of travelling after twenty years of trying to keep watch over their old pack lands.

"Now, we've got four hours to go, and we need to make you look like Luna herself! Let's get to work!" The redhead, who I assumed was Cherry approached the bed, and helped me over to the dressing table while everyone set up around me, I was handed a robe.

"Now we will cover your leg so you can have a quick bath and I'll wash your hair," She explained," Don't worry, I'll give you something to cover yourself with."

Sienna hovered in the background, uneasy around so many new people. She looked confused as to why she was here, until Elizabeth walked over, whispering gently and leading her to the window seat to watch from a safe distance.

After my bath, hidden under a drenched towel to hide my battered body, Cherry had done a surprisingly good job of avoiding my injuries, while also making my hair smell of flowers I had no name for. I was led back to the dressing table in my underwear and robe, and then they really went to town on my hair and face. Their hands were gentle, though, and I drifted in and out of sleep as they worked.

A knock on the door jolted me awake, and my Grandmother laughed.

"Don't panic, dear. It's just Gwen, delivering the dress." She let in a human woman, swamped by a large, gold garment bag.

"Good morning, Alpha," I was shocked when she knew my title," Our family have served this pack for centuries, and your mate told us how special it is to have a female leader," She handed the bag to Elizabeth," We've made this dress our most intricate and beautiful that I've ever seen."

My face flooded at the mention of Toby, he'd organized a custom made dress?

"When did he do this?" I muttered.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now