Chapter Thirty-Four

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So my laptop has finally woken from its Windows update coma (after ten hours after running out of charge overnight, when I was supposed to update). So a double update for you guys! 

Dedicated to @CelaenaSardothien16 who went on a commenting spree that was so fun to read! 


Chapter 34


The next morning after Toby's message, the door was flung open, and I was roughly pulled to my feet. The restraints were pulled around my wrists once more, and two men walked me down the hallway. My shoulder joints throbbed, but I refused to show them that I was in pain.

Surely it couldn't be now...It would take place during the evening, before the full moon...right?

The men weren't going to answer, that's for sure. The same silent guards who first threw me into my cell. They were young, my age. Young enough to be possible victims of the pack's abductions. My stomach dropped with a horrible thought, If Terra hadn't had the strength to shift a month earlier than the boys, it could have been the two of them dragging me around the compound.

After going up three flights of stairs, I was already exhausted. The turned and opened a heavy oak door into a dressing room, occupied by a woman. One who I recognised above any other.


She turned in the leather seat, nodding at the men, who released my shoulders and left, closing the door behind them.

She stood tutting as she lifted my matted hair, wiping her hands on her jeans.

"The bath is behind the screen, get yourself clean." She said, her eyes shining for once. I'd never seen her this lively, and the sickly floral smell lingering in the room told me why.

She'd had her fix...recently.

I glared at her, but I clearly didn't have a choice, not if I wanted the Alpha to change his mind and hold the ceremony early. Toby and Uncle Sam needed me to behave.

I tugged my filthy, torn dress around the cuffs, and tossed it to the floor. I struggled, but managed to get my torn tights and underwear off, refusing to ask for help. It reminded me of working around the sling when I was attacked, an attack sanctioned by my father. Hell, he could even have been there himself, hiding in the shadows of the alley that had haunted me for months.

I sank into the tepid water, shuddering. There was soap next to the bath, and I started scrubbing away weeks worth of dirt and sweat. For the first time in days, I felt a little like my old self.

Until she walked around the screen, taking a seat behind my head.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." She said, reaching for a comb.

"Why are you here?" I asked, staring into the foggy water.

"Michael needed me here."

"How could you keep all of this from me!" I hissed as she tugged the tiny comb through my tangles.

"He told me not to tell you." Was all she said, and my stomach churned with anger.

"My sister was alive!" I yelled.

"The men are still outside, unless you want them to join us, I suggest you keep quiet." She whispered.

"You could have told me about her, given me her name." I gripped onto the sides of the bath as she kept pulling without a care in the world.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now