Chapter Nine

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So this is where the story truly kicks in; Bran is now a werewolf, and is filled with fear that her best friends will soon follow...


Chapter 9


I was woken by the sounds of twittering birds the rushing sound of the Aberdewi river the next morning. I twitched my fingers and sighed in relief as I felt control over my body once again. My eyes cracked open, and I realised I was face down in the forest floor, bits of leaves and tiny twigs poking my sensitive skin.

I sat up, groaning as I felt further stings in my legs and stomach as I touched other forest debris, and I realised that none of my clothes had survived the shift. I was naked as the day I was born, but caked in dirt. I reached up to touch my hair, and I felt leaves woven into my curls.

Yeah, the clothes don't make it if you shift into your full wolf form. You humans have a strange need to cover yourselves up. Terra's voice floated through my mind, and I felt my heart speed up as the full events from last night hit me.

"I'm a fucking wolf." I gasped, wrapping my arms around my body, trembling with fear.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

"But...this doesn't happen. People don't just...sporadically become wolf people!" I hissed at her, shaking my head.

It does, and it has. I suggest you come to terms with that. I heard her sigh, as If I was a stubborn child.

"I''m...supposed to go to uni...get married." I tried to hold back frustrated tears as I argued with her. But someone had to feel my pain.

You can still do that. When it comes down to it, nothing has really changed.

I scoffed and tried to pull myself to my feet," Yeah, this always happens to me, running naked in the forest happens every month."

At most, one night a month you need to set me free. You're stronger, you can see and hear better, your aging process has slowed to almost a complete stop, and once your friends change...


Well I'm assuming they were attacked too. They could have still been too injured to make the change last night.

I whimpered as I clutched at a tree, gradually pulling myself up. It was bad enough that this already happened to me, but to Toby and Rowan? I didn't have time to panic, I had to get back to them.

Toby. He wasn't even conscious, how would I explain this to him?

"I need to go back to the hospital." I said firmly, my eyes whipping around the trees, trying to guess where I was, the river was just a few feet away...

You're not far, I brought you as close as was safe before you changed back. We're about two hundred meters north.

I sighed and squinted through the trees. She was right, I could see flashes of the white buildings through tiny gaps between the trunks. There was just one problem...

"What about clothes?"

Twenty minutes later, I had managed to swipe a (thankfully clean) hospital gown and robe from the laundry building. I just prayed that no cameras had seen a naked teenager sprinting across the twenty foot distance from the trees to the single story outbuilding. I'd even managed to get some maternity underwear, which although too big, covered the important stuff. I shook my hair to get rid of most of the leaves, and then set off.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now