Chapter Six

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So, no comments at all yet. It's to be expected I guess due to the short gaps between uploads, but anyway, here's chapter Six!


Chapter 6


It was all a blur after that.

I remember screaming, and Rowan's yelling as our assailants took off, black blurs darted across my vision as they jumped over my body. Toby was silent, and I had turned over to try and find him in the dark.

"Bran...are you...okay?" Rowan cried out in shaky voice. I heard the stones shift as he tried to pull himself closer to my form, but he yelled in pain.

"What...what did they do to my leg!"

I forced my eyes to follow the sound, and I could make out the darkness of his skin, the red jacket he wore, and a flash of white sticking out of his thigh.

I rolled onto my side and tried to support myself with my left hand, but I gasped as it stung my palm. I slowly turned it over to reveal that it hadn't been a knife that they had attacked me with, but their teeth. Four deep holes in the top layers of my skin bled out onto the concrete, and as I tried to steady my breathing, the rest of my injuries began to make themselves known.

My ribs and shoulder ached with every heaving breath, my head throbbed and I could barely see as blood seeped into my eyes, but it was my hand that brought me the most pain. I groaned as it seemed to throb relentlessly, and I could barely stop my body from retching, throwing up onto the alley floor.

I was screaming again by the time the ambulances arrived.

As they strapped us onto boards, restricting my view first to the night sky, then to the ambulance roof, I strained to listen to the paramedics, and I felt the slightest twinge of relief when I didn't hear Toby's father amongst them. A woman leaned over me, obscuring my vision as she flashed a torch in my face. She was asking me questions, but all I could focus on was blaring lights as we sped through town.

"Adolescent female, assaulted twenty minutes ago along with two others, conscious and responding to stimuli, presenting with multiple lacerations and fractured ribs...dislocated shoulder...deep lacerations to the right hand...BP is...."

I was quickly lifted from the trolley to the resus bed, where they immediately got to work on my battered body. I tried to look at the other beds, but the foam blocked everything from view. I started to panic as my mind immediately thought the worst.

I tried to speak, but it was muffled against the oxygen mask placed over my face. My fingers twitched, but I couldn't lift them to my face.

"Sweetheart, try not to panic, we need to keep your heart rate down. You're in the hospital, you've been attacked."

"THAT'S MY SON!" The voice I'd been waiting for arrived twenty minutes later, and tears stung my bloodshot eyes. I sobbed under the mask, he couldn't be...

A soft voice tried to soothe me, but the panic and shock were too much for me to handle.

I drifted in and out of consciousness over the next two days.

"Branwen? It's Adam White. Honey, they want to do an...internal examination. Can you stay awake for the nurse? Can you tell them what happened?"

I remembered his voice, but I still couldn't find my way out of the dark.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now