Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13


I didn't have to knock on Toby's window for long until I saw his superhero lamp flood the room with a warm glow through a crack in the curtain. I shivered again against the cool glass while the wind and rain raged on, my blood mixing with the water creating long tracks down my neck.

I could feel Toby stumble out of bed and over to the window before I saw him. I could hear his shirt moving against his skin, and the sound of his hair ruffling as he shifted his fringe from his eyes. Even the soft plinks of the raindrops against the window. It made my head hurt even worse.

I saw his eyes widen through the glass as he shifted open the curtain, and he quickly opened the window, pulling me inside.

I landed on his carpet, and I crouched next to his bed, shivering. We looked at each other in silence, that golden light that had shocked us in the hospital, and neither of us was sure how to bring it up. He was almost healed, except for the healing scar on his cheek, and the boot on his foot, there was hardly a scratch on him, and that was mainly for show for his dad.

Which means he must have some wolf genes! Terra yelled, and I flinched.

I felt the warm ooze of blood from the deep cut to my scalp down my cheek, and Toby's eyes widened to saucers.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He scurried over, lifting my hood lightly.

"One of mum's new boyfriends. I had to get out of there before...before I snapped. I...I could have..." I trailed off, wrapping my arms around my body, although I was already beginning to warm up. Terra wanted out, and I could barely hold her off until my mother left the house. I couldn't let her know about this, it would break her.

"I'll get dad..."

"No!" I gasped, shuddering lightly," I'm healing already, I just need to get rid of this blood and warm up."

Toby looked unsure, but disappeared into his bathroom for a second, then came back with a cup of water and a towel. He then opened his wardrobe, grabbing a shirt and sweatshorts.

"I'll go to the downstairs while you get dressed." He muttered, and disappeared into his en suite again. I quickly peeled off my zip up jacket, shirt and jeans and slipped into the soft fabrics. The bruises were already fading, the ache in my ribs throbbed as my bones attempted to heal. Only the cut in my head, that probably would have needed stitches, remained, and even that was tingling as the layers of skin repaired itself.

Toby returned with a sandwich and a can of Pepsi, and gestured for me to sit at his desk, flicking on the other lamp in the room. He gently moved some of my hair behind my ear, and I jumped when his warm hand brushed my ear as I felt a small shock shiver through my body. Judging by his reaction, he'd felt it too. He shrugged it off and continued to move my damp hair, then began to wipe the blood from the cut.

"Wow, I can barely see it now." He mumbled to himself, in awe of my new abilities. I nibbled at the sandwich, and then practically inhaled it as I realised how hungry I was.

"The next full moon is in a week away." I said, letting the information I'd felt sit with him.

"I thought so, are you worried?" He said nonchalantly, but I could see the worry in his eyes. Yes, Rowan had said he was covered in blood, but whether or not he had been bitten or not was unclear. The bite mark had healed just days afterwards for me, and Toby wouldn't have seen any injuries until after the last full moon. It was likely, but not set in stone.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now