Chapter Thirty-Five

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And here's part two of the double-update! Make sure you've read chapter 34 first!


Chapter 35


Someone shook me awake, and I jolted up, grumbling. Keagan's green eyes blinked down at me like a damn owl. It had been a fitful sleep already, we'd not long heard back from their friends in the Belladonna witch clan, who flew out to help the scouts locate the compound and find their missing member, now that they knew exactly what to look for, it was found within the night. 

Eight witches and warlocks remained, watching and waiting. Mostly human in appearance, but with pointed ears and pint-sized compared to some of the wolves here. They were fiercely loyal to the cause, still reeling from their friend's abduction all those years ago.

"What?!" I growled, wanting to gather enough energy as possible for tonight.

"Alpha Sam wants you; he's in his quarters, top floor."

I scrambled out of bed, and I saw Keagan settle into his on the other side of the room. Dawn was breaking, and Rowan's snores filled my ears as I dressed quickly.

I raced up the stairs, thundering on the grand double doors on the top floor.

"Toby? Come in." I heard Alpha Sam's voice mumble.

"Now, are you sure you don't want to be moved to the medical ward? There's still time, Luna..."

"No. There's no way I'm moving now." I heard Luna Annie say through gritted teeth.

I moved down the hallway into the open bedroom, where Annie, in her dressing gown and nightie, leaned against her mate, exhaling loudly. I saw him rub her back and realisation crashed on my sleepy mind.

She's in labour.

Alpha Sam looked up," I'm sorry..."

"You're not coming." I stated.

"I can't leave her; I'd be no use to you on the battlefield."

"Of course, don't apologise." I shook my head clear of sleep. He'd brought me in to share this private moment with them. He wouldn't have for anything less than utmost respect for me and care for his mate. He wouldn't leave her side.

"What timing." Annie wiped her sweaty face.

"It's not your fault, Luna."

She waddled over and squeezed my hands," The entire guard and countless others are yours, my nephew. Bring her home."

"I can't take so many..."

"We've wanted to help her for many years now. When the hand of the Alpha is extended, it is wise to accept it." She smiled.

"Once everything is sorted, I'll bring her to the baby's naming." I nodded to her.

"She will come home safe. You will marry and soon you'll be the one looking after a waddling woman."

I paled, the thought fleeting across my mind, but the worry of the upcoming fight blocked out any happiness.

Another contraction started, and her mate gave her support as she started those breathing exercises again.

"Stick to the plan. My beta is the most skilled of all of us, trust him with your life," The Alpha placed a hand on my shoulder," She will most likely be injured, but remember not to let your wolf be consumed by rage, or you may lose her."

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now