Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21


"Okay everyone, please stand and leave the exam hall." The invigilator said after saying the whole thing in Welsh and after an agonising five minutes collecting papers. I hopped to my feet, and filled out with the others.


I grinned to myself as I walked further and further away from my Biology paper, the last exam I'll take for at least six months. And the last at this damn school. I was just happy I was able to sit them at the same time as the others, despite the attack. Toby and Rowan still had another month to go to take theirs, and were currently at home not revising for them.

"Well done, Branwen." I heard a familiar voice, and I saw Mrs. Roberts holding a stack of exam questions, a small smile on her face.

"T...thanks, Mrs. Roberts." I gave her a nervous smile.

"I heard about what happened, how are things?"

"Oh!" I blushed," Good! I've been given a counsellor at the hospital, it's going great!"


Like she's been any help for me.

"Good, good. You look...much better, anyway. Tell your mother I said hello." She looked intently at my face, trying to find a crack in my facade. I kept my face calm, gesturing to the door.

"I should go..."

"Hey, Branwen!" Someone called over the throng of people trying to push their way into the main hall.

A blonde head popped up around the crowd, Owen Young, one of the boys from Toby and Rowan's football team. He often hung out with Lauren's new boyfriend, Tomos, therefore not with me.

"Hi?" I asked, guarded against whatever stupid insult he was about to throw at me.

"I play football with your mates, Toby and Rowan?" I froze when he said the 'm' word and Toby in the same sentence. It had only been a few weeks since...that night.

"Yeah, yeah I remember you. You play in whatever position is next to Rowan, right?" I cringed internally at my lack of knowledge.

"Yeah," He rubbed the back of his neck. He towered over me like the boys did, easily topping six feet. As one of the Aberdewi footballers, he was well built and fit, and his brown eyes sparked mischievously.

"So the proms next Friday." He said, a dazzling smile spread across his face.

Is he...asking me out?

You have a mate. Terra growled.

I might as well not, he doesn't want me.

And what's so special about this one?

"Yeah it is."

"I...I've been barred from talking to you by your friends, the whole football team has." He laughed.

"Well, you're the bravest. None of you have ever talked to me." I said a little bitterly.

"Toby does boxing, and he's like your own personal goalkeeper fighting any of us that want to get to know you." He smirked.

"Yeah, I can imagine." I tried to say casually, but my heart was thumping too loudly I'm surprised he couldn't hear it.

"Wait, he's're not together, right?"

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें