Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: While nothing explicit happens in this chapter, it can be a bit hard to read. 


Chapter 26


"E...excuse me?!" I gasped, my head spinning, but I knew we were alone. The couples and other wanders were long gone. Behind us, the music faded as his words sank in.

"Because my dad said there hasn't been a pack around here for almost twenty years, and you're not from mine. Oh, what about that Ostwall Alpha...Samuel Warren? He must be your uncle or something, right? That where you're from?"

"How?" I mumbled. He'd been here for years, Terra would have said if this guy was a damn wolf!

"Yeah I thought it was strange you didn't have one of these," He fished into his shirt and pulled a necklace with a strange pendant on the end, "Blocks a were's scent. Good for blending into places like this, for keeping out of trouble. Sorry for not saying anything before, we've never been properly alone for me to ask."

"What pack are you from?" I asked, trying to remember what my Uncle said about blocking scents, but I clutched at the railing, my head spinning," I'll get you some water." He rushed out, going inside.

You could have said?! I rounded on Terra.

How was I supposed to know? I knew he wasn't to be trusted.

"Here, Bran." A cold glass brushed my hand, and I quickly downed it, suddenly thirsty.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, I thought you were a born wolf."

I drained the last of the water," I shifted three months ago."

"Three months? Wait..." He thought back and then his eyes grew wide," The ATTACK?!"


"So that means..." He looked back inside," Toby and Rowan too?"


"Damn, I'm sorry, that must have been terrifying to deal with on your own." He placed a warm hand on my back.

"It's been hard, but you? Where are you from?"

"A pack in England. My aunt moved here but we still hold allegiance there. Families don't always move packs when they move away."

"I can't believe this." I sighed into my hands. He was supposed to be human, someone I was supposed to move on with. What if Owen had a mate? Somewhere down the line, I was going to get hurt.

"What's wrong?"

"What about mates?"

"Mates?" He let out a laugh," You can't believe everything your wolf tells you. Mates are extremely rare. Only 1 in about 100 members of my pack has found theirs. You're worried that I'll abandon you? Or that yours will bump into you at Tesco?"

I shook my head," No chance of that happening."

He was silent for a moment," Oh sweetheart...Which one?"

I bit my lip, embarrassed by the sudden urge to fling myself into his arms," Which do you think?"

"You're trying to move on? I can do that for you. You can come with me to join my pack. You can fit right in."

"I can't leave them, Owen."

He shrugged," They can come too if you want, the pack always wants more soldiers."

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