Chapter Thirty-One

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I hope you guys enjoy! We're getting to the good bits but I've barely had any feedback I'd love to know what you think! 

This is also the first chapter featuring our boy Toby, welcome to his very troubled head!


Chapter 31


I tore through the trees, branches and twigs snapping, plants grazing my skin as they crumbled under the force of my speed. I didn't care; I needed to get to Alpha Sam.

"She was just here." Keagan said in disbelief, and I could hear the tears in his voice as if he was right next to me.

Our wolves were crumbling under the grief, but I wouldn't let that happen, she was counting on me, wherever she was.

I should never have let her go to her mother's by herself.

"She's the alpha, we can't hover around her every move". Rowan cut in, his voice devoid of emotion.

"I'm on my way to Alpha Sam's pack, he must have seen something. Keagan, circle the perimeter, Rowan, try and find any new scents around their house, follow them." I cut the link, pushing myself to run faster.

It took quicker than expected to reach the pack border, time flew by when your mind was falling apart. One of their warriors met me, and I wished I had the Alpha's power to communicate with other leaders.

"Alpha Bran is gone."I ground out through my fangs, and the male paled.

"I'll escort you to the house."

As I stalked after him, my mind froze. Why was I here? Grovelling to her Uncle, a far greater leader than I could ever be, saying that I lost his precious niece?

I stumbled on a root, further adding to my thoughts.

Failure, Failure, Failure...

FIND MATE. Ares lost composure, and I felt his pain seep into my already anxious brain. His screams of anguish and sadness rocked me to my core, all bravery gone with the loss of his mate.

The wolf looked back at me as I moved pathetically behind him, his expression filled with pity.

Their Luna, Annie, moved as fast as she could as we approached the back patio. Tears streaked her face, and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Is it true? Has she gone?" She whispered, and I nodded into her hair.

"Come inside, tell me everything." The Alpha's voice boomed across the garden. I looked up at him, and I felt my composure wobble. His eyes were a deep gold, his wolf close to the surface. I'd never seen a person look that angry, his posture was composed, but his eyes burned with fire. I felt too insignificant next to him, he was everything a leader was, and I was nothing.

My feet somehow were able to follow him, up the steps into the main hall, and down the corridor to his study. The other pack members scattered, not wanting to cross his path. Even Annie was cautious, walking a good few steps behind to let him shut her out of the room if he needed.

He let her in, locking the door behind us. He took a seat on the sofa, beckoning his wife to join him. As I watched his hand cling to hers tightly, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

"The Bluestone Alpha...he took her." I forced out, looking into the crackling hearth, despite being too warm for it in the late July sunset. Both times I had been in this room; the fire was always there, comforting in some strange way. I watched the flames dance, unable to face them.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now