Chapter Twelve

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A/N: I just want to explain the differences in font when Bran or others are talking to their wolves.

When a Wolf is speaking to their human, they are written in Bold.

When a werewolf is speaking to their wolf mentally, this will be in Italics. In some instances, especially earlier on, Bran will verbally speak to Terra, but always when they are alone.

When a werewolf is speaking to another in the pack link, this will be written in Italics within speak marks "" to show they are speaking to another instead of their wolf.

That's all for now, I hope you guys enjoy! 


Chapter 12


I decided to run home that evening, to see how long it took to actually tire me out in human form. I jogged three miles from the abandoned trail to the house, but I was still breathing as calmly as I had when I started, barely breaking a sweat. Storm clouds have rolled in, and it looked as dark as a winter's evening even though we'd just reached late May.

I froze when I reached the bottom of the garden. She was back. I sniffed the air, and her scent, like dead autumn leaves, was strong. I noticed she wasn't alone, and I couldn't distinguish his body odour with his scent.

Wrinkling my nose, I crept up the overgrown path, trying to be silent. For the first time since the attack over a month ago, I was afraid of the small, peppledash house.

You have me this time. Terra's voice soothed.

I can't...attack her!

Why not?

I scoffed, Because she's my mother!

She's never acted like one. A mother guards her pups with her life; she doesn't put them in danger.

I just need to get upstairs and pack a bag, that's all.

For years I have hidden in the darkest corners of your mind. I have felt everything you felt, every memory of yours is mine also. She scares you more than you let on, and I think when you leave, a weight will be lifted from your shoulders.

I paused outside the front door. I can't think like that now. I just need to avoid her for a few more months.

Why, so she can inflict more damage? You are an Alpha, a strong one at that. You cannot let her disrespect you this way.

An Alpha? Don't be stupid.

I am an Alpha, which means you are. We are made to lead, not submit to this witch of a woman. She's started to physically harm you, you think that's going to stop?

I shook my head and reached for the handle. Listening out, I could pinpoint the two of them in the kitchen. I gently prised open the letterbox, and found the door to the kitchen was closed.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It would make things easier.

I cupped the lock as I slowly opened the door so the sliding metal didn't alert them. My trainers touched the worn carpet on their toes as I slipped inside silently. The door, held open in my right hand, threatened to close when a sudden gust of wind shook the frame.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now