Chapter Five

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EDIT: I started the book in 2018, so that's when I've decided to set the story. I hope this clears up any confusion.


Chapter 5


"So...Mcdonalds or KFC?" Rowan asked as we made our way out of the cinema screen, slightly subdued due to the harsh ending to the film we just sat through.

"Did...did you not just see the same movie?" I argued.


"Most of them just died!" I gasped, my emotions getting the best of me. I'd waited for the Avengers movie for months, and the emotional castration of an ending was a bit too much for me, and I was shocked to feel the sting of tears in my eyes. What the hell?

"Someone looks like she needs some chicken." Toby laughed, and slung an arm around my shoulders and I shook from the unnatural cold.

"Are you alright, dude?" Rowan asked, his eyes glinting with humour.

"It was emotional!" I growled at him.

"It was, it was, I'm just hungry."He steered us into the fast food restaurant, and pushed me towards a booth," Now hold this table while we order."

"Wait." I slung my handbag onto the table to dig my purse out, but Toby shook his head.

"We'll get this, don't worry." He smiled and they both jogged over to the counter before I could stop them. I rolled my eyes at them, I'll sneak a few quid into one of their pockets later, they always tried to pay for my stuff.

They soon arrived with a large bucket of steaming chicken, the perfect cure for sadness. I wolfed it down while I listened to Rowan's theories for the next movie in the franchise.

"....and that's how they're going to rescue him!" He finished with a smile, as if he'd solved the enigma code.

"It's too predictable, they're not gonna do it," Toby argued," Rocket is the only one that's left from the Guardians, he can help them find him."

"Captain Marvel is likely to be in space somewhere else anyway." I muttered, reaching for some chips.

"What makes you think that?" Rowan stared back at me," That's what they want you to think."

I sighed and went back to my food, when Rowe got on something like this, it was almost impossible to change his mind.

"And don't get me started on Star Lord..."

Half an hour later, we were walking towards Aberdewi Train station to travel back home to Rowan's for the night. The film had finished at just gone 3am, and it was now dark on the streets of the small city, and unnaturally quiet. Not even the stray stag group could be heard as we walked through the centre.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, glancing up at the boys. This was a university town, it was always busy this time of night.

"Probably in the clubs." Rowan shrugged, not bothered by the quiet.

I bit my lip, uneasy. Something was off; my stomach was quivering in anxiety.

"I don't like this, can we get a taxi?"

"We're almost there, Bran, don't worry." Toby said, but I could detect nervousness in his voice.

We cut down the last alleyway, the lights from the station's car park glowing in the distance. I sighed in relief, just as the bulb from the lamppost above burst, reigning sparks down just feet away from us.

The boys froze for a split second, and then a gust of wind from behind us had their mouths falling open in shock.

"Bran, run!" Toby hissed under his breath. It wasn't often that he was scared by anything, he often laughed alongside me watching horror movies while Rowan dived for the pillows. He was the strong one, but the look on his face was something I would remember for as long as I lived.

My vision blurred as my heart began to race, my breaths rushing out in startled gasps. No, not here, not now...I was frozen in place, my anxiety begging to take hold of my body. I had to run, get help before it was too late...

A large shadow dropped down from the fire escape above, blocking my one route to sanctuary. We were trapped.

"What do you think, men?" A booming voice echoed from the silhouette in front. At least six foot, he even towered over Rowan.

"Let my sister go." Rowan ground out, and I felt a flutter of shock at his words. How could he try and stand up to them?

"Ah, I'm afraid that's not possible, she smells...interesting." His voice was slimy in the darkness, and I saw a glint of white teeth.

My chest began to heave as I tried to suck more air into my deprived lungs, my hands shook at my sides as I desperately tried to regain control.

"Take us instead!" Toby growled, trying to push my quivering form behind him, but the men behind us simply laughed.

"Ah, brave but stupid. We'll soon knock that out of you, it's time you joined a higher calling." The voice was smooth, but each word dripped with excitement at our fear.

I was suddenly grasped from behind, and pulled flush against a hard body, the stink of stale beer surrounding him like a cloud. I tried to struggle, but a sweaty hand snaked up to my neck, keeping me in place. He pressed forcefully, my flesh screaming.

My face was forced up at the night sky, the moon the only source of light and I tried to glance at Rowan and Toby, who had been restrained in similar positions.

"Don't do this." Rowan glared at the attacker, but he simply laughed again, walking towards me.

In one swift movement, he'd yanked my left arm away from my body with such a force that I felt a horrible tearing sensation in my shoulder. I barely gasped a breath to scream when I felt a stabbing pain in my palm. My head snapped back further, and caught my captor in the face.

"YOU BITCH!" He yelled as he released me, bloody pouring out of his nose. As he reached for me again, Toby and Rowan tried to fight back, not noticing the other men walking out of the shadows.

"It appears that you need to be taught to respect your masters. If you don't... people get hurt." His voice grew furious, and I barely had time to react as, with incredible speed, he slammed me into the alley wall, and I was plunged into darkness as he descended on my friends.

And there's the first few chapters!

Please let me know what you think, and I'll see you tomorrow! 

If I have any good comments before then, I'll pick one of you to dedicate the next chapter to! 

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