Chapter Nineteen

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Hi everyone!

I've noticed we've had some readers from Canada recently, as well as a large boost in male readership! Whoever you are, welcome! I hope you're liking the story so far!

So a lot of things happen in this chapter, it's a bit longer too and it introduces a new friend to the group, it's getting a little...tense between two pack members  (Can't imagine who?) 

Hope you enjoy! 


Chapter 19


I stayed at Toby's the evening of the next full moon. Terra was still absent and I didn't want to hold them up as they spent some much needed time with their wolves. I sat on the bed, avoiding all of my love songs and getting some revision done. Exams were one week away, and I'd barely touched my books.

The full moon rose against my window, and I shut the curtains, the moonlight making me uneasy. I should be running around outside in wolf form, but she was still healing. I tried to concentrate on Biology, but my mind kept wandering.

After an hour, I was just about to give up for the night when I felt it. An odd twinge telling me I was definitely in the wrong place. Something was wrong in the forest.

I barely had time to shove on my shoes before I felt it again, much stronger this time. I took off towards the trees, and I almost jumped back in shock when Toby, in full wolf form, was waiting. He circled around my legs, Terra unable to make the pack link. He jogged to the west, and I followed him.

About half a mile later, we came out further up one of the mountains around Bethesda, a large ledge jutting out above the town. I finally saw Rowan, growling, his haunches raised.

Another wolf, dark brown and soaking wet, was backed up against the rocks. He shivered in the cold, terrified. His eyes darted around wildly, and his eyes caught the moon. Judging by the clear skies, he must have fallen into the river, showing how lost he was.

"Rowan, stop. I's the first shift." I soothed, touching his fur gently.

He's a new wolf. Terra's voice roared to life finally, and I scoffed.

And where have you been?

This is more important, the others haven't found him yet. He needs to join the pack.

"I know this it nuts, really, but you're not alone." I said to the wolf, walking slowly towards it," You're a werewolf now, and we run in packs," I gestured to the others," I'm Bran, and this is my pack. I don't make you do anything you don't want. You'll be safe with us."

The wolf shuddered again," If you join us, we can talk properly. You can speak to us through the pack link."

"Look, the others came and got me, they wanted me to explain when they could've just made you join us by force. We're good people," I pointed at the black wolf while still making eye contact," This is Rowan, and Toby is the pack warrior."

His eyes still flashed between the boys, still scared," Want them to go? Okay."

Are you sure this is a good idea? Rowan asked.

Terra has come back; I can shift if there's a problem. Just go back to the barn. I told him.

He turned and took off, but Toby still lingered.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now