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Some things to note before reading:

Branwen suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. Her experiences with this are very personal to me and as it is a condition with many symptoms and manifests in so many ways, her personal symptoms may not match the 'usual' suffer, such as stomach aches. Please don't take this as me not researching the topic or making things up, as this is a personal experience of my own. 

The story is set in North Wales, and to assist readers, some place names have been switched with other towns so that they are easy to pronounce so it doesn't take the reader out of the reading experience. For example, the town of Bethesda is a real place in the county I've set the book in, but it's not the actual place I've based it on.

This book will have some grammar mistakes, but if they've already been pointed out, I'll see them. I'd love the comments to be flooded with peoples opinions rather than grammar corrections and 'UPDATE!" 

Other than that, enjoy! I really hope you like this, the first 5 chapters will be published all at once, and then daily after that to allow it to be entered into this years Watty's!




He looked down at me, pure fury in his eyes. I'd never had someone look at me like that before, rage that seeped into their skin and oozed from every pore. I was the key. I was the next step.

But I refused to take the next step for him. No matter what.

I owed it, to everyone who was here, who fought tooth and nail to reach me. For my friends, my pack, and him.

I knew what needed to be done, to save everyone, but could I do it? Could I make that leap, knowing what the consequences would be?

Another pair of eyes, ones I recognised, met mine. Full of fear, full of tears.

Hell yeah, I would do it. I would do it a thousand times over if it meant he was in a world without this threat.

This was the time for me to stand up, and I refused to be the sad, anxiety-ridden little girl I once was.

This was the time to become a true Alpha.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now