Chapter Twenty-Four

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No dedication today as I had no comments (even though it was a double update :( ) Hopefully you guys enjoy.


Chapter 24


A week later, my dress refused to cooperate.

"Shit." I muttered, my arms aching. No matter what I did, I couldn't zip up the damn thing all the way. I was close to sweating off all my body lotions and perfumes I practically bathed in to get rid of the evidence from my afternoon run to calm my nerves.

What a waste of time that was.

"Toby?" I called, kicking myself for getting such a stupid dress.

"What?" I heard him at the door.

"Come in, but close your eyes!"

"Why?" I heard a smile in his voice, the first one in a while.

"My zip's stuck."



He walked in, still in a shirt and joggers, eyes shut," How did you try it on without doing it up?"

"Thousands of dresses later unhinged my shoulder joints, plus I'm trying not to struggle too much with these shoes on."

"I thought comfort was most important?" He smiled, following my voice to the center of the room.

"It is, but not on prom night, christenings or weddings." I held up my hair quickly as he got closer.

I took his wrist and guided it to the zip, making sure he only touched the material. That wouldn't help either of us. The strange tingles when our hands touched were bad enough.

"Why aren't you ready?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

He fumbled with the tiny zipper," Hairs done, just need the suit. Won't take five minutes."

I rolled my eyes and jumped when the zip glided up my back smoothly. I dropped my hair, praying the hairspray was doing its job.


"Hey, what colour is the dress?" He asked casually.

"Dark blue, why?"

"Be back in a minute." He rushed from the room. I took the time to finish off the most makeup I've ever worn in my life and to shove all my essential stuff into a clutch bag. I was so focused on looking for my invite I didn't notice him come back into the room.

"Jesus." I heard him mumble.

"I know, I can give you and Rowe a run for your money in these." I cocked up a leg, showing one of my silver heels.

He was staring at me strangely, but it made me feel all fuzzy inside. His hazel eyes looked like they were...burning.

"Anyway, here!" He brought himself out of his train of thought, thrusting something shiny towards me. It was a beautiful silver bracelet, with tiny beads of sapphire. He had no business owning something this fancy.

"Is this your mums?" I asked, gently turning it over in my hands.

"It matches your ey..dress. Here."He held out a hand, and I let him fix it to my wrist.

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