Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Yeah, if I ask for a comment goal again, this book will never get finished! Nevermind, I hope you guys enjoy :) 


Chapter 38


Pressure, whispers, a catch of breath growing into a choked sob of anguish. I tried to fight through the black haze that tugged at mind when I tried to make the slightest sound, a twitch of my finger.

Did the pack survive? Did...Toby? My mind wandered for days on end, and I barely held onto a cohesive thought.

The pressure against my left hand grew stronger and steadier over time, and soon I was able to feel more. A hand, bigger than mine, engulfed my skin in warmth, spreading throughout my battered body. A warmth I'd only felt once before. He was here, he was safe, my mate.

My eyes finally opened to meet the tiled ceiling.

"Bran? Bran! Don't panic, everything's okay." Toby gasped, his hands cupping my cheeks. He looked awful. Dark shadows circled his eyes, and his hair was greasy and stuck up in all directions. He was pale too, and my eyes glanced down to bandages down his arm.

"The wolfsbane has slowed your healing down, but the doctor has a way to help." He gestured to his arm, and I realised he was hooked up to and IV, and I followed the tubes around to find they fed into my own. I felt a rush of gratitude, but I was concerned for him, I tried to tug at the oxygen mask.

"Here." He removed it for me gently, and handed me some water.

"What happened?" I croaked.

"You scared the hell out of me, that's for sure." He sighed, leaning back on his chair. The memories were swirling around in my fried mind, some faded and dark. I sucked in a breath, and the searing pain in my chest told me why.

"I was stabbed." I stated, remembering the burn of the blade.

"I've never been so scared, Bran." He whispered, his eyes seemingly ten years older overnight," I carried you in here, and I had to hold you together..."

Even in my state, I could see the tears in his eyes, and how raw the whites of his eyes were. After all these years, I'd only seen him cry once, when his mother left. I felt so guilty being responsible for his heartbreak.

I remembered the rush of pure power, and what it had meant. What I had been made to do to save the pack.

I was a killer.

Tears stung my eyes, and I began to sob.

"Hey, shh it's okay." Toby gently wrapped and arm around me, his scent flooding my ears as I cried away weeks of pain, loneliness and panic.

"You broke your leg, a punctured lung, and a few punctured ribs, but you'll have to heal at a human speed, Terra won't come back until it is safe for you again." He explained, stroking my hair that was tinged with pink where it had brushed against my wounds.

I nodded, taking note of my injuries. Stretching my battered fingers out, I stared down at them in disgust. How could I have let them take Terra from me?

"There's something I have to tell you, and I don't know how you'll react." He whispered into my hair, and slowly released me.


Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now