Chapter Thirty-Two

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So my mistake guys, I genuinely thought I'd updated last night, but I'd shut down the laptop before it posted :( 

Also, I've had an awful week at work, nothing seems to be going right and my anxiety and asthma are through the roof, so I'm not feeling too good right now. I've only had one comment this week and I'm a little disheartened to be honest. I thought more people would be interested in the book from the amount of reads on my others and I guess I'm down about that as well.

To those of you who have followed from the beginning, I hope you enjoy.


Chapter 32


Twenty days of these four stone walls, a sliver of moonlight from the window at the very top of the room, and silence. Every now and then, a white gas filtered into the room from the ceiling vents, knocking me unconscious for those bastards to inject me with more Wolfsbane.

I looked up, trying to see the moon from the tiny gap in the wall. I had spent most of my time either begging Luna for rescue or trying to contact the pack. Neither have proved successful.

My pack, would they have any idea where I was? They should have figured it out by now, but apparently no one knew where exactly the Bluestone pack house was situated. I knew from the signs on the way in I was somewhere in the Shrewsbury area, in an abandoned fortress of sorts. Right in the center of the supposed 'No-man's land'.

I shook my head, trying to clear my headache. Each time I woke up, some water and a few pieces of bread where tossed onto the floor beside me, but it was barely enough to keep me alive. I didn't even glance in a certain corner of the room until I had to use the bucket, and cringed at the memory.

Time to try again. I thought. It was strange to be without Terra's motherly presence, my mind felt empty without her. I hated it; it gave more room for me to overthink. I closed my eyes and tried to speak to Toby, Rowan and Keagan.

Bluestone pack, my father is Alpha, Shrewsbury countryside.

After ten minutes of grinding my teeth and trying to force my message beyond my own head, I growled in frustration, punching the stone walls until my hands were bloodied and numb. Without my wolf, I was just a regular human, no healing, and no strength. I was nothing.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I screamed out in anger, how could I have been so stupid? Of course, my father was just as crazy as my mother, my sister was still dead, why did I ever get my hopes up?

Too late I had realised that I didn't need my parents. I stood and walked away from them so many years ago, but my emotional ties led to my capture.

Bluestone pack, my father is Alpha, Shrewsbury countryside.

I curled up on the dirty floor, clutching my tangled hair with my bloodied hands. My eyes had long since run dry, and I just shook with tearless sobs. My head throbbed with the effort, but I had to send the message.

Bluestone pack, my father is alpha, Shrewsbury countryside.

The familiar hiss of the gas valve made me growl in frustration, but I scrunched my eyes tighter and tried again.

Bluestone pack, my father is...

The tightness in my chest ebbed away, and I sighed in relief as sleep temporarily took away my pain. However, my mind refused to shut down, and I opened my eyes to a strange, white plane. There was nothing, just emptiness stretching for as far as I could see.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now